Chapter 1: The meeting

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Killers pov

I heard the sound of snow crunch under my feet as I walked through the forest of snowdin. I felt hot tears gather in my sockets slowly streaming down my face and soon clouding my vision. The pain in my chest got so unbearable my lag's just couldn't hold myself together anymore. I fell on my knees sobbing my eyes out (literally) I screamed on the top of my nonexistent lungs "I'm so sorry Papyrus!" I sobbed as my whole body weight collapsed on me and fell completely on the ground "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry Papyrus!" I repeated choking on my sobs "shhh clam down..." a voice said making me instantly calm down. I felt so numb "who are you I killed everyone?" I asked calmly sitting up looking at the smiling goopy octopus "I'm nightmare sans." He replied kneeling down next to me "I'm sans though?" I said confused. He chuckled a bit "I'm a alternate universe." He said calmly smiling "oh..."
I muttered "how about you come and work for me. Hmm?" He hummed "I will give you clothes, food and Shelter as long as you work for me." He told me "and what is this 'work' we're talking about?" I asked him. He stood up while grabbing my arm to make me stand up as well. I didn't realize how tall he is... "all you have to do is kill people for me and serve me~" he said in a flirtatious way. He's weird... "deal." I said smiling a bit "heh all I need to do is one thing." He said. He's smiling fading a bit. "Ok...?" I said confused. He let my arm go grabbing my soul roughly, I screamed in pain. my lag's collapsed on me making me fall to the ground. He kept messing with my soul until I felt completely numb. "You're mine now. He said sternly while grinning. "you're so adorable." He cooed "can you walk?" "I can walk." I said numb as I stood up my lag's trembling like crazy "I don't think so..." he said. gently rapping a tentacle around me lifting me off the ground and in the air slightly "you can sleep. We won't get to the Castle for awhile." "Castle?" I asked "yes, I live in a castle with the rest of my services." He said walking in a random Direction "what are their names?" I asked. Putting my hands on the tentacle in front of me "I'll tell you later when I introduce you guys." He told me now opening a portal making us go in to a much darker forest. It was kinda scary "no need to be scared killer I'm the most scariest thing in this forest." He said calmly.
How did he know i though it was scary here. I was confused but another thing made me more confused "'killer'?" I said confused "that will be your know name from now on." He said "heh that's a cool name." I muttered to myself "now go to sleep you need it." He said turning towards me giving me a 'I'm tired of this shit' look.
I chuckled a bit before I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep and soon enough I felt a Ocean relief wash over me.

I woke up to someone tapping me rapidly. I looked to see where the pocking was coming from to see nightmare. "nightmare...?" I asked sleepily "call me boss and where here." Boss said putting me down next to him "ok, boss." I said numbly. He looked at me for a second while frowning "smile." He ordered, So I did.
We walked through the front gate and door to see two separated black stair cases that lead upstairs with a dark purple carpet on them. "Wow..." I said in amazement. I've never seen any thing this fancy before. Not even the judgment hall was this fancy. I was snapped out of my thoughts as He set me down on the floor making me stumble a bit. I then heard someone talk "I hope you like it because this will be your new home from now on." He said smiling at me. "It's lovely boss." I softly said bowing a little with my hands near my lap holding each other "I'm glad to hear. I'll show you to your room first. Then introduce you to the rest of the gang, ok?" He told. It was more of a demand then anything but like I care. He looked back in front of him and started walking upstairs with me following him. We walked down to many hallways and corridor's until he suddenly stopped almost making me almost collided with him "this is your new room. You'll be sharing this hall with dust and horror." He said opening my new room and letting me see the inside. I was huge! It even had a walk-in closet, my own bathroom and a balcony!"You may go in killer." He said as he move inside the room "this is my room?" I said walking in the room too. "yes it is, killer." He said still in the door way "you can go shopping tomorrow with my supervision to get you clothes and furniture." He said putting his hand behind his lower back "are you sure?" I asked Walking up to him "that not to much, is it?" I asked putting my hand over my mouth slightly "will of Course its necessary. You are my worker I need you at best health. Plus I'm filthy rich I can pay for pretty much anything." He said bragging a bit "and all you have right now is those clothes and this futon." He said pretty much insulting me while pointing to the futon "I would be thankful no matter what." I said politely "will I can have you meeting the rest with those clothes. I'll look through storage to see if there space clothes you can wear." He said looking at me up and down "you can go hop in the shower while I get you clothes and a towel." He added pushing me toward the bathroom door "ok, boss." I said closing the door. I took off my clothes while looking in the mirror. I have a large slash across my ribs with black goop coming down my Intervertebral Disc. That probably not good... that brat is going to give me spine damage!

While I was in the shower I heard a knock from the door before it opened "hey I got you some clothes and a towel. The clothes may be a bit big." He said as he placed them on the toilet "I'll be waiting outside your room." He added as he walked out.
I got out of the shower. And grabbed the towel and rubbed it against me. Once I was dry I put on the shirt first. It was a black turtleneck with long sleeves. After I was done putting on my shirt I put on the shorts. They had a white outlay with a black line going down the side.
When I was done I walked out and in to the hallway to see boss leaning against the wall next to my door "I'm done." I said standing next to him holding my hands on my lap. "No you're not!" He said rising his voice. I was really confused I thought I was dressed. I guess not...? "I'm sorry boss but I don't know what you mean." I said in my most polite voice "ugh it's freezing in this place. Here take this jacket and shoes." He said holding out to Paris of shoes in one hand a blueish grayish jacket in the other. Where did that come from???
"Thank you boss." I said taking the shoes and the jackets. "Whatever just go put it on." He said looking away "yes boss." I said walking back into my room.
I walked back out with the clothes on to meet boss again "I'm finished." I said standing next to him "great! Now you can meet the rest of the gang!" He said happy clapping his hands together.

.... Thank you for finishing the chapter ....
Words: 1434
.... The next chapter is coming soon ....

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