"Good job not getting pissy saying that." Gwen said.

"Yes Ben has given me some...advice dealing with thinking about people with..." Albedo had to breath as she was trying to say something but defaulted to "...different levels of intelligence."

"So Ben gave you his cheat codes to dealing with you." Gwen asked.

"No he gave me a comprehensive book on dealing with people ranging from Galvan to Vreedle." Albedo said holding up Ben's Plumber Manual "This has 3 pages on dealing with quote 'Species that will see you as bacteria if you let them'. The Plumbers..."

"They know their shit?" Gwen joked getting both to laugh.

"Please explain your educational system?" Albedo said.

Gwen explained pre-school, kindergarten and 1st-12th grade. "I'm in 11th grade or Junior year going into my 12th or Senior year." Gwen said.

"Those numbers don't add up." Albedo said "You are 15 years old correct?"

"I skipped 2 years before...this." Gwen said gesturing to the Omnitrix "I've been barely keeping my head above water. I was sure I was gonna fail this year."

"Yes judging how Ben is shouldering full time Plumber Duty and your 'Hero work' as you both call it, you have time to catch up with your education." Albedo said.

"I'm wondering what demon lit a fire under the Doofus's ass to turn him into...that!" Gwen said.

"You." A voice said.

Charmcaster walked out the bedroom in Ben's jacket. Gwen groaned reaching for anything to throw at her. "Why are you here...." Gwen whined.

"Ben's bed is warm." Charmcaster said.

"That is a valid reason." Albedo said.

"Uh what?" Gwen said.

"Ben usually gets called around 10 to midnight." Albedo said "His bed still is warm and I usually get up to use the bathroom just in time to avoid interrupting him changing for work."

"I'm concerned you are getting a little too attached to Ben." Gwen said.

"I have no attraction to him as Miss Caster." Albedo said "Though it could be because I am genetically your sibling."

"Say more my fellow snow peak." Charmcaster said.

"There's a feature in every Matrix that prevents corruption of genetics by inbreeding." Albedo said "What's odd to me is I don't find any of it weird when Ben leans on me or invades personal space."

"What is it you were saying Charmcaster?" Gwen asked trying to change the subject.

"Gwendolyn Tennyson, Ben's actual cousin." She said sitting down "Her and Magister Maxwell "Max" Tennyson were the two people that made him the way he is."

"Shit." Gwen said "What had he told you about his timeline? I've heard but so much sounds like complete bullshit. There is no way I do what you do."

"Thank you for the compliment on my superiority-" Charmcaster said getting a pillow thrown at her "-But seriously, the 36 year old you of that timeline had traveled from the future to when you and Ben were 10 to stop him from becoming a workaholic."

"Shut the fuck up!" Both Gwen's said.

"I'm serious." Charmcaster said.

"He wasn't evil or anything?" Gwen asked.

"Nope." Charmcaster said.

just a workaholic?" Albedo asked "That was reason for her to time travel? That was her excuse?"

Helping Gwen 10Where stories live. Discover now