Chapter 26

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Recommended song: truly, madly, deeply

"So here's your bedroom, Niall and I will be on the opposite one and Louis, Liam and Zayn in the one next door " Harry explains to me opening the door of a very modern and big room, which is the same size of my living room. It's decorated with very good style, just like their house in London.

"Wahoo that's so cool !" Hanna exclaims exploring the room and the bathroom, after Harry had left.

"The bed is so comfortable!" I say laying down on it.

"The view omg ! Look at that !" She calls me, looking through the window. I stand next to her. It's indeed very beautiful. It's dark outside but with the lights of the swimming pool and the city, it's gorgeous.

"It's shining like Louis's eyes" Hanna whispers

"What ?" I say stunned.

"Nothing" she answers and looks away, blushing and definitely embarrassed

"You said "it's shining like Louis's eyes" didn't you ? C'mon I'm sure you like him, you spent the last eleven hours sat next to him in the plane. And remember the night we went to a club with the boys, when I kissed Harry for the first time ? You spent all your time with him. He's adorable, admit it" I smirk

"Fine I like him, that's all" she rolls her eyes, trying to hide her smile.

"That's all ?" I try to make her speak

"Fine" she sighs "I think he's funny, cute but hot at the same time, he's nice and he's sparkling with happiness" she grins

"Wahoo you have a crush on him !" I exclaim laughing

"Shhh he could hear us ! And no I don't know him enough to have a crush on him, but I appreciate him, yeah"

"Hmm I will have to set you to up" I smirk and she rolls her eyes again, smiling.

"Charlotte ?" Harry calls from behind the door

"Come in !" I shout

"Have you got everything you need ?" He worries

"Yes, it's perfect, thanks Harold"

"And thank you very much for having us" Hanna adds and Harry answers her with a smile.

"Do you want to come outside with me ? I'll show you the pool" he offers me

"Sure ! Let me just grab my jacket"

Hanna gives me an amused look and starts to tidy up her suitcase.

"It's so beautiful here" I say going down the steps to the pool

"You make the landscape even more beautiful" he smirks

"Aw" I giggle and he takes me under his arm, putting a kiss on my head.

"I'm so glad to have you back. It was hard without you" he confesses

"Me too. I really missed you. I've always wondered how my life would be without One Direction, what I would do since I spent those last two years fangirling all the time, breathing 1D, dreaming about 1D, listening to 1D, speaking about 1D. So when I gave up on the band because I thought you were actually a group of jerks, I realised that it was boring as fuck." I say which makes him laugh.

"You're talking like being a directioner is a way of life" he chuckles

"It is ! You have no idea of all the habits you need to take when you become a fan" I giggle.

He takes off his shoes and sits at the edge of the pool, his feet in the water and I lay down next to him, my head on his tights.
For a long time, none of us say a word. We just look at the stars above us.

"When I close my eyes, all the stars align and you are by my side" he sings whispering

"Somehow it feels like nothing has changed right now my heart is beating the same" I carry one smirking and meaning the lyrics.

"I like when you sing, you have such a beautiful voice" he says running his fingers through my hair.
I smile and he leans towards me to put a small and delicate kiss on my lips.

"Why me ?" I ask him, my face facing the dark sky.

"How so ?"

"I mean, you're Harry Styles, you have loads of girls at the tip of your fingers Why me ?" I repeat trying to figure out why the most wanted guy of the planet wants me too.

"Well, they're not you"

"I know but... I'm just a simple fan, like everyone else. I have nothing special and I'm not even pretty" I frown

"First you are pretty. I've been hanging out with lots of models and none of them were as pretty as you. Secondly, you're different. You may think that you're banal but you're not. You have something special, a kind of charisma, I can't explain what it is. You make me laugh and you're so sweet and nice with everyone. You calm me down"

"Ok enough compliments" I giggle interrupting him.

"Now you tell me. Why is there some many girls attracted to me ? I'm just a normal guy" he shrugs

"Exactly, you're normal. Fame didn't change you, you're still the guy you were before the Xfactor. Most celebrities feel superior because they're famous but not you. You're the only celebrity I know who picks up the bag of a paparazzi who's annoying you an remains polite to him, who helps to tidy up the room after an interview or who doesn't waste all of his money on clothes and uses old ripped t-shirts as headbands or still wears his boots, worn as fuck.
You're incredibly respectful, like seriously you're the only person on earth who apologies to a dog for accidentally hitting it. You're a normal guy but at the same time you're different because you're not as macho as them. We often say that boys are always the same, but not you. And seriously with your full lips, your green eyes, your curly hair and your dimpled smile how can people resist you ? It's impossible" I explain with a large smile

"Aw you're cute" he grins

"I love you Harold"

"I love you too baby girl" he says before Zayn interrupts us.

"Sorry for bothering but we're going to watch a movie. Wanna come ?" He offers

Harry looks at me and I nod standing up.

"Okay sure then" he tells him grabbing his shoes and we follow Zayn into the living room where Liam and Niall are teasing each other. Hanna and Louis are talking and I try to hide my smile.

"So what movies do you have ?" I ask

"There are all here" Harry says pointing at a big shelf.

"Wowww there must be like 500 DVDs on there. I look over them and can't help smiling when I see Love Actually which is his favourite movie.

"Have you picked ?" Louis asks me

"Yup" I say holding him the dvd of this is us with a huge smile.

"Char ! No way ! You've already seen it like 15 times !" Hanna burst out laughing.

"17 times actually" I correct her

"Seriously ? It's not as if it was a great movie !" Louis chuckles and all the boys join him.

"I like it though. It makes me laugh" I pout

"You know what ? Let's watch it again, it will be fun" Harry says and winks at me.

I sit down on the sofa next to Hanna who mutters " I'm gonna be put off by this movie" but I know she's joking.
Harry sits next to me and takes me in his arms, making me lean my head against his chest.

"You're so damn cute together" Niall says looking at us and I answer him with a smile before the movie starts.

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