Chapter 19

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Recommended song: Night changes

A week later

"Charlotte, I'm going to the shopping centre to buy my last Christmas gifts" Hanna shouts from the entrance "Wanna come ?"

"Hmm no thanks, I have to study anyway" I answer before grabbing my laptop aand going downstairs.

"I'll be there for an hour or two then" she gives me little hug and closes the door.

I head to the living room and lay down on the couch with my laptop and my notebook on my lap, and start studying English civilisation for my exams.

An hour later, I decide to have a little break and grab a magazine from the table. A headline catches my eye.

Larry Stylinson: the hottest gay couple make their comeback !

I immediately go to the page of the article and read it. There are pictures of Louis, his arm wrapped around Harry's shoulder and looking at him with a huge smile. I put the magazine down annoyed because I know the media always spread false rumours.
I go to the kitchen and open the fridge to take some orange juice but I immediately close it and grab my phone. I know those pictures mean nothing but I used to ship Larry and believe that they were in a relationship since the Xfactor. Two months ago I could prove to anyone that they were dating so what would have changed ? I could say that I'm the one who's changed that, but if it was the case, it would mean that I would have ruined a relationship and that Louis would bear a grudge against me for stealing his boyfriend. Which is not the case. He doesn't seem broken-hearted and him and Harry are as close as usual.
Which means that they must be still dating, that is to say that I'm a cover up for them.

This is twisted but not impossible. I can't believe I'm doubting Harry and that I'm considering this fucked up thing as a very likely possibility, but I need to know for sure.
So I connect to Twitter and check the Larry updates accounts. What strikes me is that they're all saying that there are never been as many Larry proofs as there are now.
I watch the proof videos which are more convincing than ever. I come across the video of the interview that the boys made the first day we arrived in New York. I remember that day, there was tension between Louis and Harry.

"What is happening between Louis and I is none of your business"

His words are stuck in my head. Two months ago I would have jumped of happiness and I would have said that they are super cute together but now I just want Harry to tell me this is not true, I want him to say that I'm his one and only. I know this is selfish but I love him and I don't want to lose him.
So I decide to look at my Twitter mentions, which is a very bad idea. The fans are sending so much hate, saying that I'm preventing Louis and Harry to be together, or that I'm just a beard to hide they're relationship. I can't handle the criticisms, I'm not a very strong person. And I can't stand when people are using me so I burst into tears.

"Charlotte ?" Hanna puts her hand on my shoulder and I jump. I didn't heard her come back.

"Hey" I fake a smile, sobbing and wiping away my tears.

"What's wrong honey ?" She asks pulling me into a hug.

"Hum... You're going to say that this is crazy but I think Harry is dating me just to hide his relationship with Louis." I mumble

"Still this Larry thing ? C'mon babe I know you shipped them a lot but Harry is a respectful person, he would never play with a girl's feeling, and never use her as his beard."

"I know but all the fans are saying that they're closer than ever and that there has never been as many proofs"

"Well, maybe they're closer and maybe there are more "proofs" because he loves you and because he doesn't care about what people can think of Larry anymore, so he doesn't pay attention anymore to his behaviour with Louis, which can interpreted in a certain way by the fans."

"Yeah... Maybe" I answer without conviction "But he was supposed to Skype me and he didn't. I haven't heard from him for a week."

"Really ? Hum that's weird.. Why didn't you call him ? "

"He didn't give me his username. He took mine and said he would call me every day" I say disappointed.

"You know what ? I think you should go back to New York and talk to him, see by yourself that he cares about you, because I'm sure he does"

"You're right that's probably the best thing to do. Thanks Han', for everything" I say and hug her again.

DifferentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora