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A/N on phone again? Yes. 

"And then Dumbledore left after murdering my brother" Ronan held a good out. 

Harry listened watching the other Centaurs blankly. 

"He won't get away with it don't worry" Harry reassured the stressed centaur. 

"We will help you when the time for battle comes, Mars is bright for you tonight" 

Harry raised an eyebrow and nodded, thanking them and leaving. It was early morning, the sun hadn't risen and the moon still shone bright. Harry hadn't slept, but potions fixed that for him. 

"Why the hell are you awake now?" Theo muttered from under the covers 

"I had to talk with the centaurs, and I'm going to work out now, want to come watch?" 

Theo hummed and rolled over, 


Harry smiled and pulled the covers off of Theo. 

"I will not work out though" Theo held out his finger 

"No problem" Harry said "I'm usually alone anyways" 

Theo stood up, bringing a fluffy blanket with him, and found Harry's hand. 

Harry smiled and headed out the door again, this time with Theo. 

He walked past several doors eventually reaching the ROR. He paced before the wall three times, stopping to watch as the door appeared. 

Theo followed Harry in closing the door behind him. 

The room was decked out in machines and tools, muggle, that to Theo looked weird. To Harry they, of course, looked normal. 

Theo spotted a sofa by a wall and went over tossing himself onto it. Harry was over by a stand thingy. Theo had no idea what it was but Harry was sliding weights onto a bar.

There was a bench, and the stand from earlier. 

Harry laid down on the bench, tapping the stand with his wand. 

Theo watched as Harry's muscles flexed and tensed while he worked out. 

Theo nodded off the sleep at some point, waking up a good hour later while Harry was drinking water. 

Theo watched Harry appreciatively as he ruffled his hair before tying it up once more. 

Now Harry was on the floor? Theo honestly had no idea what Harry was doing, but watched nonetheless. 

"Could you grab a 50 ish kg weight for me?" 


"Plank with extra weight" 

"Oh, then you don't need a weight" 

Harry hummed questioningly, Theo wandered over to Harry settling himself on Harry's back. 

Harry smiled and stayed in his position. 

"So how much can you lift?" 

"Er, I think my record is 225 kilos" 

Theo raised an eyebrow and shifted slightly on Harry's back. 

"So theoretically you would have no issue doing push-ups with me on your back" 

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