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A/N expect extreme inconsistent updates for the next week or two. And shorter but possibly more chapters, I'm on phone rn so you know the drill... 


Harry was currently burning through his homework that he didn't do earlier. At the ass crack of dawn? Yes. 

Theo was still fast asleep having finished his homework a while back. All of his friends had. 

Harry was however too 'busy' to do it. He was documenting and studying the effects of his potions on the Patil girl. And finding out ways to improve them. 

When Harry heard the covers rustle a bit he turned and squinted into the darkness trying to spot what it was. Theo was shifting a bit under the covers. Harry looked closer to check if Theo was having another nightmare. 

Theo looked perfectly at peace so Harry turned back to his ancient runes homework. 

Just as Harry was writing the last bit of the translation the covers rustled again. Now that some light was streaming in Harry didn't exactly have to squint. 

He observed Theo for a bit until his face turned worried. Theo had a very specific face he made in his sleep when he was having a particularly bad dream. 

His nose scrunched slightly and his mouth was almost open as if in a silent no. Harry stood up and wandered over to Theo. 

Harry softly shook Theo awake. When he woke up his face was panic stricken. As if he'd seen his pet puppy murdered in front of him by his closest friends. 

Harry pulled Theo into a light hug and placed his chin on the top of his head. 

Theo's face rested on Harry's neck, he could feel Harry's heartbeats and breathing. 

Harry something hot and wet cover his neck. He tightened his grip on Theo slightly who only cried into his neck harder. 

"what's wrong Theo?" Harry asked concerned, Theo feeling the rumble of his voice through his chest and throat. 

Theo shook his head softly and Harry seemed to understand. Or did he? Usually that meant Theo didn't want to talk about it. But now he started talking. 

"In second year, I never told you about this, Finnigan tried to get me killed" 

Harry's face darkened almost comically quickly, 

"He tried to push me off of the staircase when we were both late for some reason. I don't know why he was late, but I was because we stayed up all night doing research" 

Harry looked ahead staring blankly as if already plotting a fitting death. 

"I didn't tell you because. Well I don't know why I didn't. I assumed you were too busy to be bothered I guess" 

Harry rubbed Theo's back and muttered a couple things to himself. 

"And what was your dream?" Harry asked knowing Theo always, always, felt better after releasing it. 

"Finnigan managed to team up with a dark wizard and brought my father back from the death and made him kill you first in front of me then kill me" Theo summarized in a long sentence. 

Harry pulled Theo up straight and looked him in the eye. Theo's tear rimmed eyes met Harry's scarily dark eyes with a certain intensity. 


Theo smiled a bit almost as if knowing Harry would suggest something like that after finding out. He nodded a bit and Harry continued. 

"Midnight tonight" Harry spoke and Theo nodded confirming it. 

Harry wiped any of the remaining tears from his face with his palm. 

"Your 'father', if he even deserves to be called that, is dead and will never, I mean it, never reach you ever again" 

Theo nodded again unable to speak and Harry pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek before going back to his homework. Theo stayed in bed for a while longer before eventually making his way over to Harry. 

Together, after getting dressed, the two made their way to the great hall for breakfast. Being that it was still early only a handful of other students were in the hall. Mainly being other fifth years and seventh years. 

Harry and Theo ate breakfast quickly before heading to the library. Theo needed to return a book, and Harry needed to check something in the restricted section. 

In the library Pansy was sitting behind several books and looked close to tears. She eventually simply put her head in her hands and gave up. Harry made a quick decision and went to help her, he could enter another day. 

Theo talked a bit to madame Pince before heading to the two. 

Pansy was struggling a lot with Care of Magical Creatures. Harry did the take the class also, Theo choosing to skip it not liking animals all too much. Very likely from trauma from his father. 

Harry helped her with the specific piece of homework and after the three made their way to the transfiguration classroom. 

Being, obviously, that it was early no one was there. The three sat at their usual desks and discussed several topics until Professor McGonagall came in. 

"Dear lord what are you three doing here so early?" 

"We woke up early and didn't know what to do so here we are" Harry replied and shrugged a bit. 

The three kept talking and slowly but surely more people came trickling in and then it was time to start the class.

A/N legit so fucking tired as I am writing this. But here we are I finished the chapter tonight. I've been meaning to but have been way to lazy so yknow. Umm yh idk. If you're in the same time zone as me when I publish this. Why tf are you awake?

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