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Note; The Paladins don't know about Lotor and haven't met him, they did the lion swap thingy and got Shiro back, and I'm using Latin as Altean because I'm slightly good at latin. Thanks for reading :D

What does the word 'Family' mean? Some may say happiness, some may say home, but only a select few would say pain and sadness. The same goes for the word 'team' it can be interpreted as something nice- something happy, but some only find their faults in a team, and it makes their perspective of the world change. For one specific individual, they are a part of the few minorities. Their team constantly tells them to do better, yelling at them, ignoring them, leaving them out. Yet this someone's heart is so pure that they smile and hide how much words hurt them.

Whoever said words don't hurt lied.

The team that can't seem to see the pain in their so called 'friends' eyes, don't deserve the title of paladins. This team doesn't even deserve to be 'Heros' If you could even call them that. Hero- what a funny word. The title Hero is often given to selfish jerks who couldn't care less for anyone else, but they make you think they care. They make you think you're safe. They say they will always be there for you but then they leave.

This poor paladin, all alone because their team made them build up walls then left them there untrusting. They left him. They left him like they left me.


How could the 'Protectors Of The Universe' leave their own teammate?

I hate them.

I'll save you.

Just wait Voltron...

This time I'll hit where it hurts.

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