CHAPTER-2 Don't Barge In

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It's been an hour only and my social battery's already down.

why am I like this? 

Everyone's jumping and dancing to songs like it's their last day.

Chill guys!

I sigh and stand up and walk Upstairs. The roof will be a good place to sit alone and wait for everyone to end their shit.

As I walk Upstairs, passing each room on my way, all I hear is people getting banged.


Good luck to whoever this house belongs to.

I don't even know that, Taylor dragged me here.

I reach the end and open the door to the roof only to find Noah Fucking Joan deep down some girl's throat!

My eyes!!
They need holy water!!
Fuck they need holy ocean!!!!!!

I close the door immediately but I guess was definitely too loud for them to stop because I hear them getting dressed.

Before I meet any of them and have weird encounters. I run downstairs as fast as I can.

Trying to dodge everyone on my way but failing. Some dude's drink also spills on me!!

"Woah Woah Woah! Where are you running Miss Bolt?" Taylor grabs me by arm and makes me stop.

"I...I want some water" I lie

"You thirsty crow and I thought you were running because you saw someone getting banged," she chuckles

Because I kind of see that and not someone but Noah.

I don't even want to go into details.

I only got a couple of fractions of seconds to look at his-

Why the fuck am I even thinking about it!

"No, why would I run then.....I mean, Of course, I wouldn't watch them but why would I run and I would walk back normally.....," I fumble a little talking nonsense

"You drunk?" She asks straight forward and I wish I was

"Nope, didn't drink"

"Yoo guys," some voice comes behind me

Not some voice but Noah's

He place the arm around Taylor's and lord I hope he washed his hands!

"Nothing, the party's lit no?"

"Yup lit with sexy girls"

Taylor and I both roll our eyes at him.

"When are we going to leave?" I ask

"You wanna leave?" Taylor asks with a weird look on her face

"Taylor this little girl sleeps at 7. It's past her bedtime," Noah says in his mocking voice.

I choose to ignore this walking talking STDs, "Just tired, nothing else,"

Taylor nods, "Noah can drop you off if you want to leave soon,"

"I won't"

"NO," he and I say at the same time

Taylor sighs and shakes her head. It's pretty normal for her now.

"I'll book a cab"

"Yeah but I bought you here, so it's my responsibility to drop you," Taylor says and squeezes my arm.

Typical Taylor

Her so-called responsibility is going to vanish in thin air when she's going to get drunk.

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