Carman gets an anal probe (Part 2)

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—Kyle look, it's them!— Stan said pointing at the spaceship
—Give me back my brother— He shouted with an angry look and threw a rock at the space ship

The spaceship hit Kenny and knocked him into the road

—OH MY FREAKING GOD!— You screamed running to see if he was okay
—Oh my god! They killed Kenny!— Stan said looking kind of surprised, but not much tho
—You bastards! Come back here! Coooooome baaaaack!— Kyle shouted at them, and the spaceship left

—Damn it, we were so close!— Kyle shouted
—Don't you guys care about Kenny!?— You asked confused on why they weren't giving a shit about their friend

—Oh don't worry about him, he's fine! See?— Stan said pointing somewhere
You looked at where he was pointing and saw Kenny waving at you

—Don't worry! Im alright! Agh!— Kenny said which made you sigh relieved that he was okay

Suddenly a bunch of cows came running in the direction Kenny was at and he got ran over by them

—Owwww— Stan said
—Nope, I'm all fine. Agh!— Kenny said after getting up

And again, he got ran over. Not by cows this time though, but by a police car

—WHAT THE HELL!?— You said traumatized
—Wow, poor Kenny— Stan said getting near him to see his body
—Now do you believe us, Cartman?— Kyle asked not giving a shit about Kenny

—No!— Cartman shouted
—Cartman, they killed Kenny!— Kyle said trying to convince him

—He's not dead!— Cartman said
—Dude, Kenny is dead!— Kyle said
Stan picked a stick and hit Kenny's bloody body with it

—See?— Stan asked
—Shut up you guys— Cartman said convincing himself it wasn't true

—He's dead Cartman!— Kyle said

Kyle then grabbed Kenny's head and ripped it off his body
That made you flinch and cover your mouth with your hands, you were about to start crying

Even if it was your first school day here, it looked like you had made friends! But one of them was now...

Kyle noticed in the state you were in and left Kenny's head on the ground

—You guys are psychos!— You said backing off since he was getting near you
—No wait! It's okay, don't worry— Kyle said stying to calm you down

—How am I supposed not to worry? Kenny is dead!— You shouted, tears falling down your cheeks
—Okay, it may not be easy to calm down, but we have to help my brother!— Kyle said 

—O- Okay...— You said wiping your tears off and gulping
—Yeah sure, but I don't have an anal probe! Screw you guys, im going home— Cartman said and started heading off to his house

—Go on and go home, you fat chicken!— Kyle shouted at him
—Dildo!— Cartman shouted without looking back

—You're all I have left guys— Kyle said
—Sorry dude, I gotta meet Wendy Testaburger— Stan said

—You can't! Poor Ike must be so scared, up there all alone. You gotta help me, dude!— Kyle said
—Dude, like Chef says, I've gotta get a piece of lovin' while the gettin's hot— Stan said and headed to the pond

—Rats... Wait, you aren't gonna go, right?— Kyle asked worried and you said no with your head —Good... But we may need Stan's help too, let's go with him—

-Timeskip brought by Cartman being big boned-

—Well, it looks like she's not going to show up, Stan. Let's go look for the Visitors now— Kyle said pulling Stan's arm to get him to go away
—But her note said she'd be here— Stan said getting Kyle's hand off his arm

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