Hurtful words

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Everyone was seated at the dinner table eating in silence.

"OK enough. What's the matter with them?" Rhaenyra said to Daena, pointing at Elaena and Aeron.

"Don't ask." Daena said.

Rhaegar tried to drink from his father's wine, but Aemond quickly took it away.

"Nope." Aemond said, placing his cup of his other side.

Aeron scooted his cup to Rhaegar so his father would not see and gave his little brother a nod. Rhaegar smiled and took a sip, then gave it back.

Daena picked at her food instead of eating. Aemond whispered into her ear. "You're doing the exact thing you tell our children not to do."

"Not hungry." She said, placing her fork down.

"Ouu, can I have your meat?" Laen asked.

Daena pushed her plate to her son and said nothing.

"What is going on?" Rhaenyra asked Elaena.

"Nothing, grandmother."

Aeron chuckled and shook his head, continuing to eat.

"Then what was that?" Rhaenyra asked.

Aemond took a deep breath.

"Oh nothing, grandmother, same old same old." Aeron joked.

Elaena slammed her knife on the table. "You wanna do this now?"

"Do what?" He asked innocently.

"You are so fucking immature." Elaena said.

"Language, Elaena." Daena warned.

"I regret asking already." Rhaenyra said as she took a sip of her wine.

"You act like this tough guy who has done so much, but in truth you have done nothing but let everyone down."

Daena was just about done with her children fighting. "I said stop."

"No mother let her finish." He said.

Maelor touched Elaena, hoping to calm her down, but she stood up angrily, slamming her hands onto the table.

"You sit on your high horse and try to make me the bad guy, but I defended you as well."

"Oh, please. You never have, and I never asked you to. You were my little sister. I did not need your protection. I needed you to be my sister as I your brother." Aeron replied.

"You talk about me abandoning you? You never fucking needed me. You had mommy and daddy's love. Mommy's golden son. Her baby. Her favorite."

"Don't you dare start with that bullshit Elaena. I won't let you disrespect our mother."

"I'm not fucking disrespecting her! You got it all! They loved you more! They protected you more! They care for you more!" She yelled.

Daena got up angrily. She was furious, and a single tear dropped from her eye as she glanced at Elaena. She began to walk away from the table when Aemond grabbed her hand.

"I want to be alone." She mumbled and pulled herself away.

"Come with me." Aemond said to his two children and walked into the empty hallway.

"Father I-" Elaena started.

"I don't wanna hear it! Enough of the fighting!" He shouted at both his children. "You both are to grown for this!"

"I'm not the one with the problem." Aeron mumbled.

"You have a hundred problems." Elaena said bitterly.

"And you're not one." Aeron answered.

Elaena slapped her brother across the face as hard as she could.

Aeron got in Elaena's face. "I will never hurt you, but do not ever put your God damn hands on me ever again."

"Enough! Do not hit your brother, and as for you Aeron Respect your sister." Aemond shouted. "I do not care what is going on between the two of you right now. Your mother deserves respect from both of you." He said, glaring at Elaena.

"I am so sick of this family." She mumbled.

"What was that?" Aemond asked.

"I said I hate this fucking family." She cried.

"God you are such a fucking princess! You're never happy no matter what so if you hate this family so much fucking leave!" Aeron yelled. He was so sick of Elaena. All he wanted to do was speak to his mother.

"Aeron." Aemond said, placing a hand on his son's chest to calm him down.

Elaena shook her head. "Mabye, I will."

"Great! Leave. Don't leave. I don't care but if you stay don't you dare play the fucking victim."

"Or else what hm Aeron? You're going to kill me?" She challenged.

"If you were anyone else yes I fucking would right now."

"Father he is literally threatening to kill me." Elaena complained.

"Right now, I want to kill the both of you." Aemond mumbled. He was so sick of this. He is supposed to be at his wife's side, not here dealing with his adult children.

"Of course you'll take his side." She said, throwing her hands in the air.

"I'm not taking anyone's side, Elaena." Aemond replied.

"You always do! You always take his side!" She shouted.

"When daughter!"

"I am so sick of this. Sick of being treated like a fucking outsider. I wish all of you were dead." She said finally.

Just then, there was a soft hiccup. Aeron and Aemond turn their heads to see Laen and Rhaegar standing there. Laen had tears falling down his face, and so did Rhaegar.

Aemond went to his two younger sons and hugged them.

"If you want to leave, go ahead, Elaena. I truly wish you find happiness wherever it takes you." Aeron said and walked away to find his mother.

Aemond walked away with his two sons, leaving Elaena standing in the hallway alone.

Aeron found his mother in her room, leaning against the window staring up at the moon.


Daena turned to her son. "Yes."

He approached her and lowered his head. Why did he feel the certain urge to cry. He hadn't cried since he left home, and only a few times after that.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

Daena sighed and pulled her son into a hug. He was taller than her, so he rested his forehead on her shoulder.

"Make things right with her, please." Daena whispered.

"She does not want that."

Daena felt a wave of sadness. She felt as though her daughter hated her. Was she neglectful of Elaena? Was she a bad mother?

Enemies To Lovers/Aemond Targaryen Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang