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Later that night, Daena entered her younger son's chambers to find Aeron there with them.

"Volantis has the most beautiful of women." He said Rhaegar. Rhaegar laughed, and Daena slapped Aeron's head.

"Do not tell them that."

Aeron rubbed his head. "Yes, mother." He said and winked at Rhaegar.

"Rhaegar, take Laen for a bath." She said.

The boy nodded his head and pulled his brother out of the room. Once her younger sons were gone, Daena turned to Aeron.

"Is that what you were doing the past few years, fucking whores?"

Aeron got to his feet. "I have fucked many women mother but I can assure you they weren't whores."

Daena rubbed her forehead and sighed. "I was worried about you, Aeron."

"I know, Mother, and I am sorry." He said, standing in front of her.

"Why did you leave?" She asked.

"I wanted to see more than what great grandfather could have showed me. I did write to you after I ran off." He reminded her.

"Yes, and then you stopped."

"Mother. I am sorry I stopped writing, but I am not sorry for leaving." He said, holding onto her shoulders. "I have eaten with the rich and the poor. I have learned from the faceless men. Met the most beautiful women. Watched the sunset and rose from the highest of places. But I am back now. And I am happy to be back." He said, planting a kiss on his mother's forehead. He was always close to his mother more than anyone. He missed her, but that wasn't the reason he was back.

Daena sighed and gave him a small smile. "And what's this about finding a wife?"

"I knew you were going to bring that up." He joked and released her.

"Why do you want to get married? You never wanted to."

"Things change." He said, resting against the window.

Daena didn't buy it for one second. "And who did you have in mind?"

"I don't know yet." He answered. "Mabye Jaehaera."

"She is already betrothed." Daena said, crossing her arms.

"But she is not married."

"This conversation is going nowhere."

Aeron turned to his mother. "Do you wish to know why I am truly here?"

"Yes, it is what I've been asking."

"I came back to protect this family. I came back to do what you all didn't have the heart to do." He explained calmly.

"And what is that?"

"Don't worry, Mother. You don't have to worry anymore." Aeron said and kissed her cheek before leaving.

In Jaehaera's chambers, she sat her table and brushed her hair.

"Do you love him?" Jaehaerys asked angrily.

"I never said that." She said, rolling her eyes.

Jaehaerys gripped on the back of her hair tightly. Jaehaera cried out in pain.

"Even if I don't want to marry you I'm not going to have my wife fuck someone else and embarrass me." He growled. "I remember you sending him secret love letters all those years ago. Remember what father and grandmother told us, Jaehaera."

"I don't love him. Let me go." She pleaded.

Jaehaerys released her hair and rolled his eyes. "You are my sister, and I love you, but you are going to be my wife."

"Don't remind me." She mumbled.

Later that night, Aeron waited until the castle was asleep and made his way to Alicent's chambers. He then gave the guard at the door a bag of silver.

"I was never here." He reminded the guard and entered.

Alicent was awake and jumped at the sight of a man.

"Hello, Grandmother." Aeron said, approaching her.

"Get out." She ordered.

"I will, but first we need to talk."

"I do not wish to speak with you." She said, getting up.

"I don't care what you want." He growled. "I remember as a child. You treated me and my sister like dirty dogs. I remember the night my mother almost died in childbirth, you expressed your wish for her to die. I remember when you wrapped your arms around my neck so tight I could not breathe, and I remember all those times you encouraged Jaehaerys to torture my sister and I." He said, walking slowly towards her.

"And I was right." She said, backing up until she reached the window. "If I could go back in time, I would have done it myself.

Aeron chuckled. "I heard you lost your mind in this room, but all I see are your true colors. You never paid for your crimes, for reasons I can not understand my grandmother has protected you."

"Everything I did was for my children."

"Liar. You wanted power. Don't lie." He said, getting in her face. "I made a vow to never harm a woman, but you are not. You have gone mad, and you deserved to be punished.

"You will do no such thing."

"Yes, I will." He said and pushed her out of the window.  He had no love for her. When he was a child, he constantly tried to gain attention and affection from her. If given the chance, Alicent would betray his grandmother and that he could not allow. One guard at her door was not enough to stop her, so he had to. Aeron needed to protect his family. They were in a dragons mouth, and it was slowly closing in on them. He would make sure they were protected.

The next morning, there was a soft knock at Daena and Aemonds door. Aemond groaned and got up from the bed opening to the door.

"Yes. How can I help you?"

"Your mother is dead. She jumped from her window and implaided herself on the spikes below." Daemon said, then left.

Aemond stood in the in the doorway in shock. She may not have been the best person, but she was his mother."

"Aemond? What is it?" Daena yawned and got out of bed.

"My mother is dead."

Enemies To Lovers/Aemond Targaryen Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt