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Daena's face went pale and glanced at her sleeping husband then back at her son.

"Go to your room with Elaena and lock the doors do not open it for anyone but me or your father understand?"

Aeron nodded his head and ran back to his room, Daena placed a kiss on Aemond's forehead before leaving the room. She knocked on the queen's door but no one was there, she then noticed a light coming from the council room and hid behind the wall. The whole council was present except her, but why?

"The king is dead." Alicent told the council. "He told me he wished for Aegon to be king."

Daena was confused for so many reasons but she knew one thing, there was no way Viserys would have said this. When Otto Hightower suggested her family be put to the sword she gasped softly and immediately covered her mouth. She quickly left but little did she know Criston Cole had spotted her. Daena hurried to Aeron's room and knocked on his door.

"Aeron it's me open please."

The young boy unlocked the door letting his mother in but forgot to close it behind her.

"What's going to happen?" Aeron asked.

"I don't know." She answered him and grabbed a quill, ink and paper.

Mother, Daemon

King Viserys is dead, the Hightowers plan to sit Aegon on the throne and speak of executing our family. I am safe here for now please be on guard I will keep you informed. I love you we will speak soon.

- your daughter Daena

Daena wrote this message twice to send to her grandparents on driftmark aswell, she quickly rolled the scroll and turned to see Criston Cole behind her. She quickly pulled Aeron behind her to shield him from any danger.

"What are you writing princess?" Cole asked with a smirk.

Daena placed her hand behind her back passing one of the letters to Aeron so Cole would not see.

"Nothing now leave my childrens chambers at once." She answered firmly causing Elaena to wake up.

"Give me the paper." Cole commanded.

She had the other paper in her other hand but she wasn't going to give it to him. Cole then grabbed her twisting her wrist and taking the scroll from her, Daena cried out in pain as he kept her hand twisted so he could read the scroll.

"Leave my mother alone!" Aeron yelled as he tried to free his mother, this made Cole laugh and push the body so hard he fell back banging his head against the floor. Daena stood up and landed a hard slap on Coles face taking him by complete surprise.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on my child!" Elaena got up to help her brother when Cole grabbed Daena pulling her out of the room.

"Mother!" Aeron called out but Cole closed the door and placed his dagger to hold the door in place. Daena was afraid for her children, she knew if the Greens went through with this it would lead to war.

"Unhand me." She growled.

Cole twisted her injured wrist again. "You're nothing but a spoiled cunt just like your mother." He said angrily.

"I'm not the one who kisses the Queen's ass." Daena said angering him.

He pulled her towards the council room pushing her in roughly.

"What is the meaning out this Cole?" Otto Hightower asked.

"She was spying then I caught her writing this, informing her family of the kings death." Cole said as he handed the paper to Alicent.

Enemies To Lovers/Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now