Favorite Son

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Aeron banged against the door, he knew he was back in king's landing and he was angry. He grabbed a chair and threw it at the door, the room was completely trashed now.

"Let me out! I want my mother! Fucking cunts!"

Helaena rushed down the hallway and saw her mother and  grandfather outside a room door where the banging was coming from.

"Who's in there?" She asked her mother but Alicent didn't answer.

"I'm going to kill you all!" Aeron yelled.

Helaena then grabbed the key from her mother's hand and immediately opened the door to find her nephew, he furious but the first thing she noticed was his black eye.

"Oh my god."

Aeron immediately calmed down at the sight of his aunt.

"Why is he here? What the hell happened to his eye?" She asked angrily.

"We needed leverage against the blacks, if he is here they won't attack." Otto said calmly.

Helaena began to laugh, everyone in starred at her it was like she finally snapped.

"You kidnapped and hit Daena's child." She said laughing.

"Helaena you should go back to your room." Alicent said trying to touch her daughter.

Helaena pulled away from her mother. "No I am sick of this. I am sick of this whole family!"

Alicent had never seen her daughter so angry.

"You kidnapped her son. Her first born son. And you think she'll sit back and take it?"

"They have Aemond, we lost our biggest advantage but with Aeron here they would not risk his safety." Otto explained.

"Have you learnt absolutely nothing! She has already lost one child and you've taken her son! She won't come alone she will come with the dragons and a powerful army!" She yelled.

"Then we will kill him."

"Then we will surely die! She will run mad with grief and burn this city to the ground for him!" Helaena shouted. "I will not sacrifice my children for this war and I won't let you hurt him." She said and took Aeron's hand.

Otto blocked her way. "I cannot let you take him."

"I am the fucking Queen you have no authority over me." Helaena said calmly and pushed past him with Aeron.

Aeron stopped and turned back to Otto, Alicent and Criston. "You're dead like this." Aeron said putting his hands to his neck and sticking his tongue out like he was being strangled.

"Okay that's enough come on." Helaena said pulling him to her bedroom. As soon as Aeron entered the room Jaehaera tackled him to the ground with a hug.

Helaena sat down and rubbed her face while Aeron attempted to break free of Jaehaera's grip.

"OK enough." He said annoyed.

"I'm sorry I'm just happy to see you I thought I'd never see you again." She said smiling and helped him to his feet.

Aeron glanced at his aunt then back at Jaehaera. "I need your help with something." He whispered.


Meanwhile on Dragonstone Daena had gone completely off the rails, they had searched the whole castle and found nothing. She even got on her dragon and searched the whole island but to no avail.

Everyone gathered around the painted table arguing about  prince Aeron's where abouts when Daena slammed her hands on the table. "They have my son!"

Rhaenyra came to her daughter's side and held her hand. "We will get him back."

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