Chapter 22.

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"Oh.. so i have to kiss you." San wishper in Yun's ear and yun's cheek flushed red.

"Aaa.. what are you saying, idiot." Yun said out of nervousness and move from there. San follow him with a smiling face.

They spend the whole day with each other. They roam in market and San buy some sweets for Yun. Yun was happy with San becouse after his parents, only San was the one with whom he feet safe and protected.

Now it's night and walking towards Yun's house. They were near to Yun's home when Yun stopped in his place.

"What happened" San asked looking at him.

"I think now you also have to go, it's becoming very late." he said looking at San.

"But you..." San said but cut by Yun.

"I can go by myself, and we are not so far from my home." Yun said assuring voice.

"Hmm.." San hummed. Yun turn and started to walk and San also did the same. After few seconds yun turn around and called out "San."

When San heard his name he turned around and saw yun was looking at him.

"Yes..." San said with questioning gaze.

But Yun didn't replied. Instead of replying he went towards him and stant in front of him.

"Actually..." Yun said and his face was a bit flushed.

"Hun..?" San was confused because Yun's sudden behaviour But Yun's next action make him shocked.

Yun put his hands on San's shoulders and make him bend a little. He himself tiptoed and connect his soft charry like lips with San's lips.

That was not a proper kiss but a soft peak. After some seconds Yun parted their lips and look at San shyly who was looking hella shocked with Yun's action.

"What..,why are you looking me with that shocked expression. you said right, you want a kiss" Yun said slowly with full of innocence and lower his head.

San come out of his shock and look at Yun who had lowered his head. San look at him and smile a little. He put his one finger in Yun's chin and make him to look up. Now they doth are looking at each other's eyes.

San put his hand on Yun's waist and pull him towards himself. And lowered his head and join his lips with Yun's tempting rosy lips. This time Yun was the one who was shocked but he accept the kiss happily and wrap his hand around San's neck.

 This time Yun was the one who was shocked but he accept the kiss happily and wrap his hand around San's neck

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Imagine that they are san and yun)

The kiss was passionate and a bit rough. San was moving his lips against Yun's and sucking his lower lip with full of passion. Yun was also doing same. They both are so lost in the kiss. San bite on Yun's lower lip softly.

"Mmm..."Yun moan and San smirk hearing his voice and again suck his lips. After sometime Yun tap on San's shoulder because he was out of breath and want some air for his life.

My Love  (A Xianwang FF )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن