Ty Lee was cartwheeling back to you. You placed your hands on the ground and twisted your legs in the air, making wind pressure and a mini tornado, mixing fire with knives and stopped Ty Lee from jumping towards you.

"I won't ask again!" 

"And I won't tell you!" Azula counter attacked, moving her arms around and sparks flashed around you.

You stopped your tornado at the sight of her lightening bending. You jumped into the air as he stuck her fingers forward. Ty Lee was right behind you and through some kind-conniption, you air bended her out of the way. As you landed back on the ground, your clothes were stabbed to the floor with the knives from Mai.

But a look was shared between Mai and Ty Lee, they were out of focus, making you go out of focus because your gaydar was starting to go off the charts at the looks they gave each other.

You felt the back of your head being harshly grabbed and as your face was bent upwards, you saw the smirking version of Azula.

You kicked the crystal as it glowed from the ground. You were in some crystal cave Azula, Ty Lee and Mai shoved you in. you searched all around the place, but found no Katara. Air-bending didn't work, and you only heavily damaged the entire crystal cave.

You heard the Boulder rock above you move, and looking up you saw two of the Dai Li. "You've got company."

Then you heard the wails of someone being thrown down. You went wide eyed as you saw Zuko. He held his head as he went on his knees, seeing you were there was looking up.

"What?" Honesty, today was been enough for you. "Zuko, are you good?"

"I'm fine." He sit ps up, pushing himself to stand up. "Azula is here...she's trying to take over the city."

You flunked down to sit against the broken crystals. "I figured."

Zuko looked around the cave, seeing how each crystal was broken into tiny pieces or lodged off the walls. It was chaos. "What happened in here?"

"Turns out, I really can't get out of this one."

He tried to form something of a smile, but it was really just a thin line across his face. He stuck out his hand and you took it, rising to your feet with his help. You shared a small hug. 

Then you heard the Boulder rock open again and heard more familiar grunting as someone fell down the rocky hole towards the cave. You grew even wider eyes as you saw Katara. You took a step towards her, leaving Zuko's grasp.

"Y/n! You have to listen to me! Zuko is here, he's in Ba Sin-" Katara eyes found the boy and she gasped, standing up quickly and shoving you behind her. "Zuko."

"Yeah..he just got here a moment before you." You walked around the side of her, stepping between Zuko and Katara.

"Why did they throw you in here?" Katara ignored you and glared at Zuko. You watched as the prince slowly moved to the ground, sitting down and faced away from Katara. "Oh wait, let me guess. When Aang shows up to helps us, your going to finally have him in your little fire-nation clutches."

"Katara." You sighed. You had to tell her, you didn't have a choice.

"Your a terrible person, you know that? Always trying to capture the avatar, hunting us down, trying to kill the worlds last hope for peace! But what do care, your the fire lords son."

"Katara." You said this a little louder this time, and a little more warningly. You knew what that asshole did to Zuko simply because he could.

"Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood." She was purely disgusted by Zuko.

"You don't know what your talking about." Zuko defended himself.

"I don't?! How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through! Me personally! The fire-nation took my mother away from me..." Katara went down to her knees, holding the last thing she remembers and had of her mother.

"I'm sorry." Zuko apologised "I guess we have that in common."

Katara wiped her tears away and stood up. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"It doesn't matter." Zuko looked the other way. You slumped back into the crystals, thanking the spirits for not having to tell Katara anything.

"It does matter. Every time I imagined the face of the enemy, I pictured yours." Katara admits.

"My face." Zuko looked away, touching his scar. "I see."

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Katara quickly realised what he thought.

You stood up, walking over to the two of them, but you stayed in between them. 

"It's okay. I used to think this scar marked me. Marked the banished prince, cursed to chase the Avatar forever." He turned away, facing his back towards you. From the space you had, you sneakingly reached out and grabbed his hand. "But recently I've come to realise it not who I am, and I'm free to determine my own destiny, even if I'll never be free of my mark."

You squeezed his hand, making him turn his head over his shoulder.

"What if you could be free?" Katara said.

"I have healing abilities." Katara stepped forward.

"It's a scar, it can't be helped." Such the optimistic person.

Katara then reached into her clothes, pulling out the necklace Pakkun got her. "This is special water from the spirit oasis from the Northern Water Tribe. It has special properties, so I've been saving it for something important, I don't know if it would work, but..."

Zuko looked away from her, finding refuge in your eyes. You smiled at him and placed a hand on his scar. You stayed like that for a moment until hearing apart of the wall break open made you jump into the air and hit your head.

"Aang! Iroh!" You yelled, rubbing your head from the impact of the ceiling.

Katara rushed over, hugging Aang, but you didn't missed the look on his face as he eyed Zuko. Iroh ran over, entrapped Zuko in a hug. You walked towards the hole they came through. 

"Aang, I can't believe you came!" Katara smiled as she hugged Aang once more.

"Uncle! What are you doing with the Avatar." Zuko yelled, pointing at Aang. That was a good point. Considering you haven't been down here for that long, and Aang would of have to come all the way back from the Eastern Temple, Aang definitely wouldn't have gone to Iroh. Meaning Iroh would've had to find Aang, meaning Zuko had been captured. The amount of time it took Iroh to find Aang shocked you.

Iroh found Aang in such short time, that if he really wanted to, he could have tracked Aang down a long time ago.

"You go, I must talk with my nephew." Iroh gestured for you all to leave. Aang and Katara walked towards the hole, but you went towards Zuko.

Just for a moment, you hugged Zuko. He didn't have much time to react, since you left as soon as happened. But, before you left, you quickly kissed his scar and went towards Aang and Katara. It felt odd to do input in front of Aang, Katara and Iroh, but it felt that it had to be done. You hoped you'd see Zuko again soon.

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