Part 24 - Don't Blame Me

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"What the hell is going on?" you murmur when you start hearing weird noises outside of your office.

You stand up and stay by the door once you open it. There are unusually many people in the hallway and they're all talking and whispering to each other. You're quick to notice that a majority of them is eyeing you up and down intensely when they see your figure.

"What's the fuzz about?" you ask a random coworker that passes by but they just shrug.

You sigh and decide to go over to the place where many people are gathered. You can hear a voice getting louder as you approach it and you're not happy with it. It's an extremely familiar voice and it only takes you seconds to recognise it.

"Where is she? I need to find her, I need to find Alice" it's Tony's voice.

You freeze and start thinking of what your best option is here. You could start running away, hoping that you'll escape, you can stay and face Tony and everyone else staring at you, or you can casually walk away like nothing is happening.

But before you can make the decision yourself, a group of people take a few steps backwards and open the way between you and Tony. His eyes meet with yours immediately and your heart stops. The silence is very loud. Your palms are sweating and your neck feels dry.

"Alice" he speaks and takes some steps towards you.

You can tell that something's off with him just with a few quick looks. His beard is not as treated as it usually is, his eyes are tired and with circles around them, and his outfit is definitely not one that he got out of his closet recently.

"What are you doing here?" you find the courage to speak.

"I had to see you, I missed you so much" he keeps on walking towards you but he's not walking on a completely straight line.

It doesn't take a genius to know that he's drunk, or maybe even worse. Once again you're in the worst position and have to deal with the consequences of his actions. You close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale before you open them again.

"Come with me" you say sternly.

"Happily" he smiles and follows you closely.

Earlier your heart wasn't beating but now it's beating faster than it ever has before. You're so angry that you could easily attack him with your own bear hands. You only turn your head to look at him when you're in your office with the door closed.

"What do you think you're doing showing up at my work drunk and causing a scene?" you ask angrily.

"I'm not drunk" he shakes his head and walks towards you.

"Please tell me that you're not high" you close your eyes desperately.

"I'm not. I-I don't think so at least" he stutters.

"D*mn you, Tony" you sigh.

"Your office is great, I love what you've done with the space" he comments.

His comment catches you by surprise and you unexpectedly chuckle as a reaction. He seems confused at first but then seems like he enjoys the sight of your smile.

"Don't you think it's funny how we dated for so long but this is the only time you've visited my office?" you ask.

"You know things were complicated, don't blame that on me" he says in defence.

"Nothing was complicated, you just had to make it that way" you correct him.

"I promise to drive you here every morning and make sure you get in your office safely" he says.

Toxic Relationship With Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now