Part 2 - Attention

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It's another typical day of you not reaching Tony at all. You have been at work most of the time today too, but you were able to check your phone and reach out to him. But you guess that's too much to ask from him sometimes.

So, after finishing your work you go straight to Stark Industries. At least Tony was communicative enough to let you know he would be working there this week.

You always feel a rush driving your car there, it makes you feel powerful having access to the company. And it makes you feel even more special walking inside the halls of this luxury and highly classified workplace.

Your way of feeling special though always comes to an end when you're constantly reminded that you don't have direct access to Tony's lab in there. You need him or someone else that has access to share it with you and it always brings you down to earth.

"Godda*nit, Tony" you curse when once again he doesn't answer your call.

"Need any help with that?" you hear a familiar voice and exhale deeply before turning to face the person.

"Yes, please" you fake smile as you watch Pepper showing her access pass around.

You're not going to lie, Pepper being around Tony so much always irritates you. You can't stand the fact that she practically sees him more than you do. Even if you're the one that gets to have full access to his goods.

"Have you talked to him today?" you ask her.

"Yes, many times" she replies proudly and holds the door open for you to get inside.

You clench your jaw and hold back your will to shake in anger as much as you can. You're pretty sure Pepper knows what she's doing to you and how much it annoys you when you're being ignored by Tony.

"Has he been in the lab all day?" you ask calmly.

"Yes, he's been busy" she gives you the confirmation at least.

You nod and together you walk closer to where he is. You can already see him in the back, tinkering and working on something that looks extremely dangerous and confusing.

"Hey, babe" you say sweetly and rest your hand on his shoulders nicely.

"Hey, ladies" he turns around and greets the both of you.

That's not enough for you, though. You need more of his attention, especially in front of Pepper. You need her and everyone else to know that you're the one who gets to be with Tony. So, you lean down slowly and make sure that from Tony's position, your open cleavage is visible enough to hypnotise him. And that's when you approach him even further and eventually connect your lips.

You move your lips rhythmically with his, deepening the kiss with no guilt or embarrassment from the fact that Pepper is waiting for the two of you to stop. But that's exactly what you love, her knowing what Tony's priorities really are. And he's not one to break a kiss because he feels uncomfortable, so his hand easily slips down your back until it strongly squeezes your a$s right in front of her.

*cough, cough* she coughs to get your attention.

You keep the kiss going for a few more seconds before you pull away from him with an obvious smirk on your lips. You then turn to look at Pepper again who has a pile of files in her hands, clearly for Tony to sign.

"Tony, could you-" she starts putting the files on a desk close to Tony but before he has time to even move towards them you interrupt him.

Not with words, but with an action. You lower you hips and sit on Tony's lap, blocking him from moving. His hands automatically hold your sides and his focus gets completely lost from whatever Pepper was telling him.

"Sign these for me?" she continues her words with some annoyance in her tone.

"Sure will" he replies without looking at her, his eyes are very well locked on your cleavage once again.

"I'm just going to leave these here and hope to have them signed by tomorrow" she taps her hand on top of the files.

"Thank you, Pepper. You can go now" you smile at her with pride as you reach for Tony's hair with your hand and play with it.

She fake smiles at you and leaves the room with the two of you behind finally having some peace. You let go of Tony's hair and then stand up, finally being ready to express your disappointment with him.

"I have been calling you" you say and fold your arms together.

"As you can see, I have been busy with something" he points at the stuff he's working on.

"Not too busy to talk with Pepper apparently" you roll your eyes.

"Pepper comes here and finds me, I'm not answering her phone calls when I'm working" he replies and holds your hands in his.

"I want to see you as much as she does" you exhale deeply, letting him aware of your sad tone.

"Well, maybe if you finally stop working for him then we can see each other more" he says with his usual annoyed tone about your employer.

"Not this again" you let you head fall back in desperation.

"Come on, baby, you know you can work here anytime" he kisses your hand repeatedly.

"My position is Pepper's position, so unless you fire her I won't quit for a job I'm overqualified for" you explain once again.

"I can't fire Pepper, she's probably more to this company than I myself am" he says while looking straight into your eyes.

"Then I guess I'll keep working for Ethan" you say and he clenches his jaw instantly.

"Don't call him by his first name, you know I hate it when you do that" he squeezes your hands tighter.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll keep working for Mr. Lewis then" you say.

"That's better" he loosens his grip on your hands.

There's a reason behind Tony hating your employer that much. He's not just a random employer, he's one of Tony's biggest competitors. Ethan Lewis' tech company is right behind Stark Industries and the only company that can actually close deals and build stuff that can compete with Stark Industries.

But, of course, Tony already knew that before the two of you became a thing. You actually met during a highly exclusive and high class meeting with the best of the best business men and women. You were and still are Lewis' right hand. Tony's eyes met with yours at one time during the meeting and then they couldn't leave each other until you met in his hotel room.

None of Tony and Ethan are happy that you're so close to the other. After all, between these powerful men there are many insecurities and superior complexes when it comes to other strong men. Their competitive nature and need to always be the best plenty of times doesn't end up well. But, for now at least, there haven't really been many problems between them, other than the one asking you to pull apart from the other.

"Can we go home?" you ask hopefully.

"In 20 minutes or so" he replies.

"Is it really 20 minutes or will you keep us here for hours?" you question him.

"No, it's really not more than half an hour" he answers.

"Okay, I'll wait for you back there" you point at the comfortable couches in the back.

"Great" he pecks your lips and you part your ways.

For once, he did as he said and 25 minutes later he came to you. You both picked up your stuff and left for his house to enjoy the rest of the day together.

Toxic Relationship With Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now