Part 11 - Accident

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"Oh my God, you look stunning" Tony mouths when he lays eyes on you.

"Thank you" you blush and walk down the stairs in your house.

You approach him and rest your hand on his chest as you slowly lean into him and give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"You look amazing, too" you then say and watch his face light up.

"Thank you" he smiles.

That smile.

"Are you ready?" he then asks.

"Yes, let's go" you nod.

Together you walk outside and he waits as you lock the door behind you. He holds you by your waist and leads you all the way to his car, where he opens the passenger's door for you and makes sure that you're all set before he goes to his own seat. You're invited to an event and you're going as each other's date.

As soon as you arrive, the noise and the flash lights from the cameras are wilding. It's once again that rush, that feeling of being the person everyone is looking at. And it's all getting much better with Tony by your side, having his hand around your body and bushing his hand softly against you.

"Thank you, thank you" Tony waves his hand in the air, indicating you're done with the pictures.

You follow him closely inside and finally you can relax and have a drink. Tony gets in charge of that and quickly returns with drinks for both of you.

"Cheers" he says and clinks his glass against yours.

"Cheers" you return the movement and then you take the first sips of your drinks.

He remembers your drink so he got you your favourite. You didn't even have to ask to know what he's drinking, a scotch never leaves his side at times like these.

"Everyone seems very impressed with the project you're going to present" Tony comments on the upcoming conference in 2 months.

"Yes, that's true" you try not to sound too excited since he's the competition.

"What's the fuzz about? What's that project of yours?" he creases his eyebrows while asking you.

He also lifts his glass to take a sip and hide half of his face as he asks his question. You have the urge to chuckle and that's what you do as a reaction to his question.

"Is that a work related question coming from you, Mr. Stark?" you smirk.

"Just making conversation" he shakes his head.

"Sure, you are. You're definitely not feeling worried or threatened at all" you tease him.

"Please" he chokes on his drink.

"Alright, alright" you giggle and caress his arm playfully.

"It's a very good project, that's all I can say" you reply.

"Okay, understandable. Good luck with competing with us" he smirks.

"Oh, I think we might surprise you this year actually" you match his energy and playfully take a sip from your drink.

"You never fail to surprise me, my love" he comments.

You smile and you continue your night. It doesn't take long for everyone here to come and share a few words with you. People either share business ideas and proposals or simply want to make conversation for a while, both of which you enjoy. You would say that you enjoy everyone's company if it wasn't for a specific annoying woman that approached you with a different aura than the rest of the people.

"Tony!" she says happily and moves her hand on his arm over his suit.

"Hey!" Tony acts excited to see her but you can tell he doesn't even remember who she is.

You've grown to understand his reactions and be able to read him, especially at situations like this one. She doesn't seem to get the memo though and sticks around.

"I haven't seen you in a while, you look just as great as the last time I saw you" she smiles and you can detect that seductive tone.

You give Tony a cold look and wrap your arm around his elbow, holding him closer to you and showing that he's yours. Many women seem to have the idea that he's still available for them, you have to step up and show them that's not true sometimes.

"Yeah, long time no see. You're looking good, too. Love the dress" is what he decides to say.

The woman thanks him by leaning close to his body and saying a polite thank you. That's enough to make you lose your temper and clear your throat loudly.

"How rude of me, I haven't introduced you to my girlfriend. This is Alice" he smiles warmly as he turns to look at you.

"Nice to meet you, Alice. I'm Samantha" she gives you her hand to shake and so you do.

"Nice to meet you" you fake smile at her.

"I have many suggestions and ideas for you, let me know if and when you decide to go through them with me" she turns to Tony and touches him slightly on his arm again.

"You can make an appointment with Pepper" he replies.

"I don't recall us meeting like this last time" she leans even further into him and that's when you completely feel your heart jumping.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" you gasp after throwing your drink all over her dress and justifying it because of a bump you had with a person walking by.

"Sh*t!" she complains.

"I'm really really sorry, it's really such a nice dress" you put on your fake apologetic voice and Tony can detect that.

"I have to go take care of this, it was nice seeing you again" she sounds shocked.

"Of course, nice seeing you, too" Tony smiles and we watch her walk away in embarrassment.

When she's far out of reach, you turn to look at Tony and immediately notice his amused little grin.

"You're so sexy when you're jealous" he says and runs his tongue over his lower lip in his attempt to hide his smile.

"Jealous? I don't know what you're talking about. It was all an accident" you shrug innocently.

"Yes, definitely. We all saw that" he teases you.

"I don't have any reason to be jealous, do I?" you ask him.

"Of course not, baby" he reassures you.

You seem satisfied and that's why he leans down to give you a kiss on your lips. A kiss that relaxes you completely and leaves you only craving for more.

"Did you really like her dress?" you ask when you pull apart.

"I barely noticed it, I was just being polite" he replies with his arm around your waist.

"Are you sure? It was a very pretty dress if you ask me" you say quietly, close to his mouth.

"The only dress that I notice in this room is yours. And especially the person wearing it" he says with a deeper tone this time and kisses you again.

This time the kiss is slightly more intense. You can feel his tongue against your lower lip, asking for permission, before you give it and he kisses you with lust. His hand is pulling your body harder against his by your lower waist, making you lose your mind over the kiss even more. By the time you pull away, your knees are weak and you're out of breath. He notices and holds you tightly until you regain your strength and open your eyes again to meet his very proud look on his face.

"Do you believe me now?" he asks.

"I do, I surely do" you reply after clearing your throat to make sure your voice is ready.

"Good girl" he whispers close to your lips and pecks them one more time before you go back to the event like normal.

Toxic Relationship With Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now