Part 21 - Beat It

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"F*ck" you complain when you take a look outside of your front door.

Tony is still there, he didn't leave your doorstep all night. You could hear him begging and saying things all night whenever he found the courage and energy.

The problem is that you have to leave for work, and with Tony there you can't. You sigh, walk around the house and get annoyed with every outcome your brain comes up with.

If you open the door and he sees you there's no way he'll let you go. If you ask him to leave you alone, he for sure won't. There's no scenario in your head where he lets you go peacefully.

"Hey, I'm going to be late for work today" you call Ethan to let him know.

"No problem, is everything okay?" he asks.

"Yes, I just have to handle some things first" you reply.

"Okay, I'll see you later" he says and you hang up.

You're dressed and ready to leave. You'd have left far earlier but he's stopping you. Does he know he's bothering you by not leaving? Is he doing it on purpose? You can't know for sure.

"Tony?" you take a deep breath and ask from your side of the door.

"Alice, baby! I'm here" he replies instantly.

"I know and I want you leave, please" you say sadly.

"No, we need to talk. I want to see you, baby, please" he begs.

"We're not doing any of that now. I need to go to work and you're standing in my way" you say seriously.

"I'll drive you there if you want. Just let me see you" he touches the door softly.

"You're putting me in an awful position. Please leave before I have more issues at work" you shake your head.

"I'm not leaving, I love you. We should talk about this and fix things" he suggests.

"There's no fixing things, Tony. We're over" your words break both your hearts.

"Don't say that, you don't mean it" he says in panic.

"I do" you gulp and fight to hold back the tears.

"No, no, no, no, no, I love you. I made a mistake, I admit it. Give me a second chance, baby, I'm begging you" he hits the door repeatedly.

"Stop making things harder than they already are" you can't stop the tears anymore.

"I'll do anything, just give me one more chance" his voice is shaky.

You find yourself once again crying and sobbing. The pain came back to the surface and it's killing you. Your heart hasn't felt anything like this before, a stabbing continuous pain. The person you love the most betraying you like this.

Time is passing by and you're in the same position. Crying. Tony's outside your door, talking, begging, crying. The only thing that brings this situation to an end is a phone call.

"Where the hell are you?" Ethan asks.

"I'm sorry, I can't leave the house. Is it okay if I work from home?" you try to sound as normal as possible.

"No, you can't. We have a meeting to attend together. What do you mean you can't leave your house? What's wrong?" he asks.

"It's- It's complicated" you shake your head, not wanting to share many details.

"Alice, I'm worried now. Are you okay?" he's more serious.

"Yes" you try to reassure him but your voice betrays you.

Toxic Relationship With Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now