3. | Nothingness |

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Faine was quickly packed into a strange vehicle with seats that faced one another, medics and officers asking her questions about the fire

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Faine was quickly packed into a strange vehicle with seats that faced one another, medics and officers asking her questions about the fire. She found their voices strange, as if they had accents different from her own. Different from Karras.

She stirred the question around like hot soup churning in her mind, waiting for the opportunity where she might be alone to ask it.

Despite the constant efforts to speak with her, Faine never replied. Her strength went to breathing, to the void around them. She focused on the giant oaks turning gold around them, flickers of red inside their clusters sparking like embers. Through the shifting forest, a village began to emerge.

Paths of winding pavement meandered through the hills, all leading toward the valley where a city of stone waited for them. From the cobbled sidewalks to the stories of brick, the only color in the streets came from gorgeous lanterns and ivy.

Faine noticed that between every lamp post was a staff of vines wrapping their way up to a stand of flowers. Some were attached to mailboxes, others were destinations for passage. The sight brought her real peace, a signal for her nervous system to soothe itself as if she'd looked at them every night for years.

Perhaps she did.

The cabin stopped moving rather suddenly in front of a large white building. Red brick trim wrapped around the foot of the building, repeating wherever she could tell another floor began.

A medic gripped her elbow firmly, guiding her out of the vehicle and into the building. Past every hallway and through a corridor, Faine noticed that the questions were fading.

She read the jacket of her assistant, a woman named Scarlett whose short brown hair brushed against her lips every time she turned her head.

Faine listened to the curt directions she gave, sitting on a wide stool in the center of the room and waiting for a physician. A shadow moved in the corner of her vision, reminding her she wasn't alone.

She continued to recite the questions she wanted to ask Karras. If their voices were altered or different, then perhaps they weren't from this town. Some of the Guards who'd come for her appeared particularly relieved as if they'd known her. Perhaps there were multiple rules to this world her mind was still missing.

"Good evening, Miss Reilica," a man in a white coat greeted her, entering the room with a clipboard.

Faine blinked.

Unaware if the name he referred to was her first or last, if Faine truly existed or it too was a figment of her imagination.

His warm smile quickly fell into a look far more pensive and considering. "I was made aware of the severity of some of your injuries," the Doctor began. "However, I'd like to examine you in case there are any problems we can't see."

Faine's body tensed.

More tests.

More experiments.

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