t - f i v e | c h a r m b r a c e l e t

11 2 5

{ T - F I V E } : C H A R M  B R A C E L E T.

"I feel like I'm being casted in a horror movie. I hate this so much." Jazz exclaimed, huddling behind Grey Anderson.

Normal teenagers spent their recess break in the common room, the school's garden, hanging around by the fountain, making out between the library shelves or having lunch in the Refectory. But Jazz Brown and Grey Anderson weren't normal teenagers and they were spending their recess on investigating the Lion's den.

"This was your idea." Grey pointed out, pushing the door to Head Mistress May Anderson's office open.

Sunlight streamed in through the window blinds and casted a golden glow on Grey's purple school branded hoodie. Jazz felt like they were in a musical as she stood behind him in her purple blazer.

Bubble Academy was purple. Literally.

Their uniforms made them all suspects and potential victims at the same time. The most ironic position ever.

Head Mistress May's office however was arranged perfectly with nothing out of the place. The small trash can by the door was empty, the files on her desk stacked neatly, the wooden shelf at the side was squeaky clean and shiny, her leather seat was polished and the two arm chairs before large dark brown desk looked brushed and clean.

"I remember telling Aubrey about a month and a half ago that I was a seventeen year old high schooler with a bright future and definitely not a CIA investigator–"

"Jokes on you!" Grey teased, grinning.

"But seriously are you sure about this?"

"Sure as I'll ever be. My mom has a habit of always returning to her quarters during student recess so she doesn't miss out on new episodes of Law & Order. Plus she's a big fan of Sam Waterson."

"Head Mistress May, serious woman that she is, wait so you're saying she's actually crime loving?"

"Baffles me everytime but she's all I've got so..." Grey trailed, shutting the door behind Jazz and leaving the key in the hole.

As the Head Mistress's son, he had a spare key to her office in his possession against her wish though but she really didn't mind.

Quickly, the pair went digging.

In seconds, the sounds of wooden drawers opening and closing replaced the peace and quiet.

"Nothing here just files and A4 papers."

"What are we looking for again?" Grey asked Jazz.

"A broken glitter palette and a note and basically anything else that proves your mom knows more than she's letting on." Jazz chirped.

"Aye captain!"

Jazz couldn't hide her smile.

Grey looked away from the stack of files he was leafing through on Head Mistress May's desk and fixed his gaze on Jazz with a raised eyebrow and amused expression.

"What?" Jazz questioned, sparing him a glance and carelessly going through the books on the six foot high shelf standing tall by the left wall.

"You're distracting me."

"Focus then."

"Stop smiling like that..." Grey dropped the files and walked up to her, locking his hands around her belly.

Her back pressed against his chest and Grey didn't know when he dipped his head in the curve of her neck inhaling and filling his lungs with her vanilla scent. If she was a cigarette then he'd be a smoker.

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