s e v e n t e e n | m y s t e r y v a l e n t i n e

28 7 18

{ S E V E N T E E N } : M Y S T E R Y   V A L.

Who knew lavender was also a scent?

Definitely not Jazz Brown.

Yawning widely with arms flailing in the air, she greeted her roommate with a huge smile on her face. Thanks to acting female head prefect; Livia Solace, today and the next was going to be lecture free in the spirit of Valentine.

Nobody was happier than Jazz. It meant more hours included in her sleep.

Her schedule for the day was already packed and luckily she got her laptop back before she returned to school. Jazz itched to design a valentine pamphlet but headmistress May had banned her productions. Too bad. She'd dedicate her free time to finishing her novel.

Felicity's vinyl player was echoing Ben by little Michael Jackson.

Jazz happily sang along, "Just like Ben..."

Thirty minutes later, Jazz was ready to head out for breakfast. Felicity had already gone ahead of her, she had a valentine. She took time to admire her red plaid high waisted skirt, black suspenders attached to a goth waist belt with silver chains hanging off the sides, short sleeved white shirt and Chuck Taylors. And last but not least...

"Gucci eyebags." Jazz sighed as she put on her medicated glasses.

Purple or not, it was Valentine after all.

She had no expectations but the school was abuzz with the Valentine spirit and Jazz decided to be a team player.

Her wrists held five red and black beaded bangles each. A single gold chain with a tiny red pendant went round her neck, she let her curly hair down today, parted at the center, the black hair mass fell west and east.

Grabbing her laptop from her bedside table, she realized the broken make up palette was still in her possession. She chucked it into the drawer, it would eventually serve as evidence.

Jazz hadn't walked five minutes in the direction of the Refectory before she'd caught on to the news of the day.

Bubble Academy was ruthless like that with rumors and news always spread like wildfire.

There was a new student in Bubble Academy.

A boy.

The rumors said he could give Grey Anderson a run for his money– meaning this boy could take Grey's place as the most attractive boy in Bubble Academy. Jazz tried to picture what he might look like to be able to compete with the perfect blue eyes, Grey had.

The semester had taken an interesting turn for Jazz Brown and she would be more than happy to watch some new kid knock Grey Anderson off his high horse. A hard fate to wish a presentation partner but well he'd gotten them into the mess in the first place.

Why was he sending her notes during class?

Pushing open the doors to the Brown House, Jazz Brown made her way into the rowdy hall. It was indeed a happy morning.

Confetti sprinkled over her immediately she stepped into the brown house.

"Happy Valentine!" Two cheerful voices exclaimed together.

She recognized them as Livia Solace's monotonous minions.

She gave them a weird smile as she starred down at her white shirt. No stain.

Beaming, she replied, "Happy Valentine to you two."

That's when her eyes circled on the entire dinning hall. In whatever grand gesture, the Brown House was bathed in lavender, red and white decorations. A huge banner hung low from the center of the ceiling and it read; A Purple Valentine.

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