t h r e e | s w e e t l i e s

34 14 21

PS: cover in the media...

{ T H R E E } : S W E E T L I E S.

Adults lie too.

Jazz knew that alright but she couldn't understand why Head Mistress May Anderson would choose to lie to high schoolers that everything was under control when they had their lives endangered because of a color.

A color that was effortlessly the larger part of their compulsory uniform.

Jazz's head was banging, maybe caffeine wasn't good for her jetlagged self after all.

"The incident that took place has greatly affected us all because Aubrey Simon wasn't just a head prefect. She was Bubble Academy's golden girl but nevertheless we will not be fazed as lectures will continue effect immediately come Monday when this hiatus would come to an official end. Students are too resume eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at the refectory and on no account should any student be found loitering around after prep hours as this act would attract weeks of severe detention."

"Guess Aubrey is serving detention in ICU." Someone muttered seats away from where Jazz and Grey were seated side by side and some girls giggled indiscreetly.

"Decorum!" Head Mistress May Anderson called out. "Uncultured behaviors would not be tolerated this semester and in the meantime while we await investigation reports on the actual cause of the accident, our acting female head prefect would be in the person of Livia Solace!"

A sickening round of applause that made Jazz's stomach churn erupted and she thought she'd puked on Grey's blazer.

"With the generous assistance from the male head prefect, Allen Pierce."

Wonderful. Aubrey's rival being paired with Aubrey's boyfriend while she's in ICU and then they'd fall in love, get married and have kids by the time Aubrey's out of coma- if she ever makes it out.

Jazz sighed and wiggled in her seat, her thought were rattling.

She felt uncomfortable the more she thought about her last real conversation with Aubrey in the refectory that night, hopefully it wouldn't be the forever last. Could she be selfish enough to ask the universe for one more chance to maybe tell Aubrey how she always wants to pull out her blond curls till she gets a sore bald spot but then she'd put on red lipgloss and kiss the spot-

"Are you okay? You seem tense." Grey squeezed her hand.

Her fingers tingled and she retracted them immediately her senses came back.

"Just stressed." Her voice came out choked.

"Enjoy the rest of your Friday, my dearest Bubbles." Head Mistress May Anderson said and bounded off the auditorium stage.

Her sun bleached blond hair that was trapped in a sleek ponytail dangled behind her as she walked past the middle row where Grey and geeky Jazz sat. She didn't look any bit of her forty three years in her white dress slacks and purple blouse. She fancied dressing in alignment with our uniform which was unconventional and... Nice?

The students began to file out clique by clique.

"Something is bugging you Jazz, I know your cousin is in an ICU but still, I'm your friend and I am every bit interested... "

"Still jetlagged." Jazz responded, reaching up and loosening her tie.

The pair strolled through the hallway among a rowdy throng of students trying to return to their daily dilly dally.

Grey sighed and massaged the skin between his eyes. Placing his hands on Jazz's sagging shoulders, he peered into her soul.

"Stoping lying to me."

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