f i f t e e n | i n t h e f l e s h

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Shout-out goes to two of my favorite girls who have school atm, my baby sis Shineeethebebe & my internet junior sister SharonKamsi good luck with your exams, my loves <3!

{ F I F T E E N } : I N  T H E  F L E S H.

Alicia was right and the glitter stared back at Chloe, glittering dimly under the torch light.

Chloe had had enough of this investigation. She needed to get out of the claustrophobic shed before she passed out from the ragging thoughts in her head that weren't making room enough for respiration.

Chloe staggered.

In quick reflexes, Alicia caught her arm and steadied her, "Are you okay?"

Chloe battled within herself.

She nodded desperately, "I just seemed to have lost my balance there for a second." Chloe's lie was accompanied by a false chuckle.

Alicia stared at her weirdly but relented nonetheless. She was new here and shouldn't be asking the questions.

Chloe Black's pulse quickened like she was being chased by a Rottweiler.

She knew who did it.

She knew who attacked Aubrey Simon.

She knew who purple was.

"I think we should leave now, assembly might be over, before someone sees us loitering around." Chloe suggested, bracing herself inwardly.

"You're right. I should get back to raking that used-to-be lawn." Alicia agreed, stressing her point by bumping the head of the rake unto the wooden floor twice.

Chloe was the first out the shed and sure enough the first voice she'd heard sent ice cold shivers down her spine as goosebumps climbed up her hoodied arms.

"Chloe? You're feeling better already?" Her twin's voice boomed over from the interlocking 50 feet away.

The Refectory towered behind her, blocking half of the rising 8am sun.

For what it was worth, Bonnie didn't look too surprise to see her here or maybe her brain was just slow like that.

Chloe on the other hand, stood frozen on the mulching soil.

Chloe noticed the yogurt in her hand and mentally face palmed, knowing fully well the creamy taste of goodness was for her-supposed-to-be-cramping-self.

Bonnie, ever clueless, continued her banter, "And did I just see you coming out of the shed?"

Chloe remained mute.

Was her half-wit twin equally blind now?

"Didn't think you'd be feeling good enough to make out until well past noon after the crazy painfilled morning we just had. Besides there are better places to make out you know; the fountain, the garden, an empty classroom, amidst the book shelves in the lib– oh." Bonnie paused suddenly, her gaze fixated on something– someone behind her sister.

Chloe followed her gaze and her own eyes landed on Alicia who had just come out of the shed holding a rake and wearing the Janitor's uniform.

The situation had really gone from zero to extremely weird in mere seconds.

"I'd better go the other way." Alicia nodded into the rising tension.

Chloe couldn't tell what was going through her twin's witless brain as her eyes bulged out of their sockets like an erected crotch behind material shorts.

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