f i v e | a r t i c l e s

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{ F I V E } : A R T I C L E S.

It was just twelve hours into monday and Jazz was sick of it all.

Thankfully, it was time for lunch recess and the break was meant to last for an hour.

The urge to pass out in the hallway as she, Grey, Chloe and Allen walked to the common room was very strong on her. Grey probably noticed because he drew her close and held unto her shoulder as the quad walked.

Jazz didn't know when her mind travelled five hundred miles away.

Grey and her already married and on a plane to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

Allen's words rescued her from her crazy mind. "I still don't get it, if you didn't write the article, who did?"

Jazz's knees buckled and she staggered but thanks to Grey's firm hold, she remained on her feet.

"I know right." Chloe chimmed in.

The article, hmph, Jazz had forgotten about it the moment she stepped into history class and Mrs Dayne started talking about her seven orphaned ginger cats which she rescued a year ago from an animal shelter in Texas.

Plus she didn't want her thoughts to linger on something she had no answer too.

"On the brighter side, has anyone seen Bonnie?" Jazz drooled out as they stepped into the common room.

"Probably making out with Diezel Kinney." Allen chuckled to himself.

Jazz's nose scrunched up at the mention of Diezel Kinney. He was a total skeeze not to mention he just returned to school after a three month probation period.

Anyways the calmness in the common room was just right for the light headed Jazz Brown whom had just recovered from ten days of being jet lagged.

Bubble Academy student common room housed an expensive cozy setting with plush cushions, armchairs and sofas surrounding coffee tables all in brown and black, with padded foam walls, windows that ran from ceiling to few inches shy of reaching the floor, material black curtains with golden brown trim, a color tv, a vinyl player, grand piano and water dispenser. During the day, fruit punch and popcorn was always available on a slab by each of the two entrances.

Chloe grabbed four transparent solo cups and filled them with punch. She donned them out to the rest. The quad took their seats on four armchairs that formed a kite shape by the window.

Because most students spent their free time by the fountain, brown house, in the library or in the garden, the common room wasn't always crowded. The majority of students seen here were the popular ones, or the entangled ones.

"So how's working with Solace going?" Chloe asked Allen.

Allen sipped his punch with grace before responding, "Let's just say, I really miss Aubrey."

Allen was able to get his head out of prefect duties for a while today and decided to spend his time around familiar company away from Livia Solace and her high pitched montone voice friends. Allen was a beige blond with piercing dark eyes, a simple boy whom was particularly humble despite his family's affluence. Allen was like a calmer and nicer version of Aubrey, they were meant for each other, like totally written in the stars meant for each other.

"Yeah rub it, we are all single." Jazz murmured but they all heard.

The group laughed.

Chloe sighed, "I miss her too, Aubrey brought the bubble into Bubble, get me?"

A paper flew by and stuck to the window bane. Out of curiosity, Grey reached out and grabbed it before it flew away.

"Let me guess, Keandra is sending you love letters using messenger birds now?" Allen teased with a cocky smile.

Purple.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें