Intermission 2

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"Uncle, is the hot spring ready?" Yukio asked

"We'll enter it later. Right now, we have to go shopping because your aunt and sister / cousin wants to join her." Genesis said.

"Eeek! Shopping with mama and papa!" Hitori squealed excitedly

"I wonder where she got that from..." Akatsuki sweatdropped

"From you." Lyla teased, poking his cheek.

"Excited about shopping? No, that;s you, firebird~" Akatsuki teased, poking her cheek, making her giggle

"Yup. That's Lyla's little girl." Reiko said

"Well, you guys go on ahead and shop." Genesis said, card tossing a credit card towards Akatsuki who caught it with two fingers

"Sorry to take from ya." Akatsuki said sincerely

Genesis waved him off with a smile. "Take some of the guests with you. Gen Wolf will keep an eye on you guys."

"What about you?" Lyla asked

Genesis summoned a book that had My Little Pony on its cover. "I'll be reading." he answers as he lies down on the couch and begins reading.

"Never knew you were a brony." Reiko said, surprised

"My Origin's a brony. The guy even visits FiMfiction to read MLP fanfics." Genesis comments.

"No comment, Suki?" Akiza asked

"I don't care about it." Akatsuki shrugged, getting hit in the face by a Rainbow Dash plushie

"Liar." Genesis snarked, holding another one but this one had Akatsuki's name on the tag, which looked like it was written by a child.

"Akiza!" Akatsuki snarled, making Akiza giggle sheepishly

"S-so that's where that went..." Akiza said nervously

"Never really took you for a Rainbow Dash fan." Genesis said, tossing the plushie to Akatsuki.

"Tsk. I was 5. I saw that sonic boom thing. Thought it was kinda cool. *Ahem* Moving on." Akatsuki said, trying to hide his flusteredness

"5 year old you was too cute." Lyla squealed

"I was not!" Akatsuki denied

"The shadow god loves cute colored ponies?" Itsuki teased.

"And rainbows from the looks of the hair." Motoyasu snickered

"She's 20% cooler than you." Akatsuki growled. No one insults him or Rainbow Dash like that.

"Aw, you gonna beat me with the power of friendship?" Itsuki teased

"Yea, the power of friendship, and this big ass gun I found." Akatsuki said with a manic grin now holding a oversized rifle

"AAAAAAAAHHHH" The two heroes screamed as they ran for their lives

"GET BACK HERE, BITCHES!" Akatsuki yelled as he chased after them.

"Well, that was rude of him." a female voice said, making the guests turn to the voice and find the cyan colored pony with rainbow mane sitting on a cloud while wearing sunglasses like a boss.

"Rainbow Dash..." Lumi and Akiza said in awe

"Yup, that's my name and don't forget it" Rainbow grinned as she proudly confirmed her identity.

"I think my uncle's a fan." Eirwen said, both excited to see the sonic rainboom pony and was a bit worried for her uncle's sanity. Yea, she didn't care about the two heroes he might kill.

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