"Yea... Cause, why are we talking about Elliot?" She asked

Now it was his turn to be confused with a furrowed brow as Andrew slowly said, "Because of what happened..."

"What happened?" Naomi asked as the two stared at each other more confused than they were when they first started talking

"Theo didn't tell you?" He was asking the important questions now

"No, I haven't seen Theo"

"Wait, but he left to go and see you. He hasn't been home all night - I thought he was with you..." he trailed off, slowly realising he should've kept his mouth shut

"Okay you're freaking me out Andrew" Naomi couldn't shake off the weird feeling she got from the entire interaction, only for her thoughts to be interrupted by Theo

The Theo himself, walking the back route and meeting the two of them in the garden

He still had yesterday's clothes on, dishevelled, messy hair, tired eyes and a fried mind - but Naomi didn't know that

Looking back and forth between the pair, Theo grunted out a noise, which could be interpreted as a hi as he made his way past them and began to ascend the stairs to his balcony to his bedroom

"Hey" she called out after him as Drew watched the couple disappear into Theo's room

Naomi followed after him as she let his bedroom balcony door slide shut behind her, watching him chuck his wallet on his desk

"Hey." He mumbled, not even sparing her a second glance as he heard the familiar rustling of her making a beeline for his bed and sitting on it whenever she came round

"Um, so what happened with Elliott? Drew mentioned something"

"Nothing. Just him being a cry baby"

"Okay?" She extended the end of her word, in a confused manner as Theo didn't exactly answer her question and brushed it to the side

Watching him run his hand through his dishevelled hair as he checked his phone for notifications in the silence engulfed room, Naomi decided to speak again. "Umm, Care to elaborate because it doesn't sound like nothing if Drew thought that you were with me all night and yet here you are, just made it home at what 2 o'clock in the afternoon"

"Are we keeping tabs on each other now or what?"

"Wait what? Theo I just wanna know what's going on, why are you being so weird?"

"Weird. I'm being weird, okay"

"What?" She questioned with furrowed brows as Theo stared at her with a look of what looked like, disappointment. "Why- why are you looking at me like that?" She attempted to laugh it off with a small smile, but something at the back of her mind was telling her this was no laughing matter, something wasn't right

Breathing heavily as he took in her features for what felt like the first time in forever, Theo kept his lips in a thin line as Naomi's small smile slowly disappeared and morphed into a frown.

"Theo speak to me. Tell me" she urged as she could feel her heartbeat subtly beginning to beat faster and harder in her chest as she stared into Theo's remorseful eyes

Shaking his head as he swallowed the ever-growing lump in his throat at the entire situation in which his very own girlfriend was acting oblivious and was hiding such a big thing from him. Something which would largely affect their relationship, and her life and yet she had told almost everyone but him, he couldn't believe it as he finally uttered "Because"

"Because what?" Naomi quickly asked as Theo had yet to elaborate and he was scaring her

Something about that look in his eyes make her heart sink to the pit of her stomach

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now