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Waking up, Naomi was met with a pounding headache. She squinted her eyes, she prepared herself for the sun to be blinding her right now, but it wasn't.

That was weird.

She knew she was in Theo's room. It was his room, but he wasn't there. His curtains were shut for the first time ever and realised he must of done it for her. That's when she heard the shower water stop running. Did she really sleep through him getting up, going for a jog and then managing to shower. Fuck, she really needed to start getting her life together if Theo was able to do all of that and not even act tired all day.

"Morning baby" Theo rasped as he stepped out of the bathroom in a low hung towel

"Morning" Naomi sighed, seeing just how tempting his body looked right now, but she remembered everything she had said last night and wasn't even going to dare to look any lower than his chest today.

"I just got back. I was gonna go and pick us up some breakfast from McDonald's once I got dressed, is that alright?" he explained

"That's fine, what time is it?" She mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, not even bothering to look for her phone because she was too afraid to look at the monstrosity that was her main Snapchat story. Why did she always get so much confidence to post on it when she was drunk?

"Like ten o'clock"

"Ughhhh" she sighed, falling back onto the bed, pulling the covers over her face

"What?" Theo asked, laughing at her over-dramatics

"I was meant to be going somewhere today and since I slept here. I just can't be bothered anymore. This bed is just so comfy" she complained

"Where were you meant to go?"

"Shopping" she mumbled

"Shopping? Didn't we go shopping a few weeks back? You could of just asked me to buy you what you wanted then" he furrowed his brows at her

"No, this isn't that kind of shopping" she tried to explain

"A food shop?" He asked

"No, no, it's a different kind of shop" she laughed at that being his first thought, but then again, what else would he think.

"What is it Naomi?" He asked, wanting to know why she seemed so hesitant to tell him.

"I'm going to the hair shop, you know the beauty supply shop" she confessed. She didn't have a problem with him knowing, but she didn't want to have to explain what she was getting there. She remembered how her and Tiana had to explain to Eliza and Liv back in first year where they were going and the questions were tolerable, but she didn't want to have to re-answer most of them.

"So stuff for your hair?" he concluded, humming in satisfaction of her answer


"Can I come with?" He asked. He wanted to know more about her hair products. Maybe buy some for her there so that when she stayed at his, she could actually take care of her hair instead of him hearing her cuss out fo frustration the next morning when she'd have to comb through it with her fingers and only have water as assistance.

"Um okay" Naomi responded. She was a bit taken aback by his question. Obviously she knew he liked to know more about her hair, because he had asked about her silk scarf before, but he never went further with it.

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