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With 'All Alone' by Stwo playing through her speaker, Naomi sat infront of her full length mirror, blending her contour into her full face of makeup.

She couldn't believe that she was actually going on a date.

For fuck sake, Theo is really changing me, with his annoying, goofy smile, ass.

She'd never been on a date before, well unless you counted that big Tescos 'date' that her and Sebastian went on in first year when he tried to see her more after they had first started talking, but Naomi never confirmed nor denied whether it was a date with him so this was her first official date.

Theo gave her no information on what was going to happen tonight, well besides the promise of dinner and sex - which practically the whole of the chocolate isle that day knew was going to happen.

He literally texted her to dress nicely, and that he'd pick her up at eight o'clock, and that she couldn't back out. She was going one way or another.

It really shouldn't of surprised her though, after all today was Valentine's Day, which she had never celebrated before.

Not even with her ex, because he claimed he was working that night and then a few hours later Naomi worked out that he had infact taken another girl on a date and cheated on her. And then he managed to sweet talk and manipulate her into staying with him somehow. Not one of her finest moments.

Then last year, with Seb nothing happened because...well because if she got the timing of things correct then that was just after her and Seb ended and she'd left to go home because everything was too much in term two.

Well in all honesty, Naomi kind of forgot that it was coming up to a year since the Seb incident...well she was trying to, and she knew Theo could tell as he had been more reassuring with her. He didn't reflect on how much they used to argue this time last year with her as much. Even when she had been a bitch to him the past few days because of her period, which thank fuck was over now, Theo never took it too seriously and still comforted her. She also knew that Theo would probably want to keep her mind off the year mark, and she was grateful.

But a date, a date wasn't what she expected. Maybe a meal at his, smoking a spliff and then sex was more of the average hang out for them, but a meal at a restaurant was like a proper date.

It was special.

Theo was making it special for her and she couldn't help but feel her heart swell at the thought of it.

"Naomi?" Eliza called out, knocking on her bedroom door

"Come in" Naomi smiled as she had just finished spraying her setting spray on her face

"Just wanted to say thank you for the lingerie and congratulations on the photo shoot" Eliza told her as she found a box of lingerie from 'Sinful lingerie' on her bed for tonight from Naomi, since she was doing so well at her internship, she got a few free sets for all the girls

"Aww thanks Elle, but I'm glad you like the lingerie, I knew the 'pretty in pink' and 'my own woman' set would be perfect for you" Naomi said as she knew what would suit her friends best

"So are you nervous about tonight?" Eliza asked, nodding approvingly at Naomi's outfit

"Is it that obvious that I'm nervous?" Naomi questioned, chewing on her lip as she noticed Eliza didn't look all that dressed up to go out tonight

Liv had gone back home to celebrate Valentine's Day with Joe, so she wasn't at the house. Then Elijah had taken Tiana for a weekend getaway as a surprise. So it was just Naomi and Eliza in the house.

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