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"Oh shit, yeah...Happy anniversary" he said, lazily almost as if he was forced to say it

She hadn't forced him. She didn't even remind him, she tried to give him hints but he clearly had forgotten. He'd forgotten up until she mentioned the date. It took a while and then it clicked. It clicked that a whole year ago they got together.

He always forgot everything important to her.

"Come on princess don't be like that" he called out in an annoyed tone, as she went to grab her stuff, as she didn't want to stay over at his tonight

"No, it's fine I'm just gonna go home" she smiled weakly, lacing up her air forces

"Naomi you're not fucking going home" he said with force

"I'm going home" she repeated, not even looking at him, she didn't want to spend the night if he was already annoyed with her

"Nooo" he whined "please stay" he pleaded, looking at with sad eyes

Naomi stopped for a moment to look at him, as she had her bag from sixth form in hand, ready to go

"You're busy though" she responded, nodding at the controller in his hand - which had practically been glued to him the moment they got to his.

Putting the controller down quickly, Josiah got up and pulled her arm gently - making her fall onto him as he said, "Well not anymore" kissing her on the cheek - making her giggle

Whilst they were cuddling each other, Naomi kicked off her shoes.

She was hoping that maybe this time he'd make up for it. Maybe this time he was just in a bit of a bad mood and he didn't mean to upset her.

He just accidentally forgot.

That happens, right?

But as things always went for Naomi, it didn't take long for Josiah to grab his phone and start to ignore her.

Putting down the controller was one thing - but as their conversation and like always - his happy mood fizzled out, he grabbed his easiest distraction - that being his phone.

That same prized phone he wouldn't leave the room without. The one that always made him smile and laugh, but whenever Naomi asked what he was looking at - he'd claim it was nothing.

"Josiah" she called out, getting his attention away from his phone which he was always on. Which he always hid or locked whenever she got too close.

He glanced down at her, immediately sitting up, adjusting his crotch as he stared at her hungrily.

She knew what that look meant, it made her heart sink. It made her skin crawl. It made her want to run away, but she had to stop him before he got too close this time.

Something clearly got him happy on his phone.

He was smiling at her. He was smiling, but the moment he saw her tug on her sleeves more often than she usually did, as she swallowed harshly, he knew something was up.

He knew she had done something he wouldn't like.

"What, Naomi?" He seethed, growing annoyed with her already

"I think that we should- No, I want. I want to end this, us...I want to break u-" she stuttered out because she knew she wanted to say this, but finally saying it aloud was another thing

It was time.

She needed to do this. She had to because Josiah hadn't been treating her any better and she needed this to change. She needed to get away from him.

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now