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Driving back home was probably one of the most nerve racking things Theo had ever done. It was definitely up there with that same anxiety he got before every match as soon as he walked onto the pitch, along with the nerves the night of when he anticipated talking to Naomi, when he first confessed his feelings for her in his room.

Looking back on that night Theo couldn't help but shake his head smiling at his shitty speech telling her that he liked her, with how bad he was at communicating. How he used his lips instead, turning it into an argument.

But as soon as he dwelled on it for a moment longer, his smile dropped, turning into a frown at the realisation it was probably so bad because of his lack of warmth and openness with his family. They were almost the downfall of him and Naomi before they when started all because he had to learn from scratch, whilst with Naomi, how to open up and talk about his feelings the correct way.

Although, he did feel more at ease knowing that Naomi was learning and maturing at the same time as him because she too, struggled to open up, not because of her family but because of her past with her ex - and Theo accepted that, working with her to be better for each other.

Pulling up to his childhood home, Theo couldn't help but grimace at the fact that the saying 'money buys happiness' was believed by so many, but in reality it wasn't. It wasn't entirely money which was the cause of his family's lack of affection and relationship, but it definitely had some contributing factors.

Sitting in the car for a moment, Theo took a deep breath to calm himself down. He looked at the driveway and noticed his sister's car and felt more at ease knowing that she wasn't going to let him walk into that house alone.

Getting out his phone Theo texted Naomi.

Theo - Just got home, you can stop worrying now

Naomi - I wasn't worrying, but thank you for letting me know
Naomi - I miss you x

Theo - Miss you too baby x
Theo - A week maximum, okay?

Naomi - okay

Locking his phone, Theo noticed his sister coming out of the house, walking straight over to his car, obviously watching from her room, anticipating his arrival.

"Theo" she smiled as she watched him step out of the car

"Wait am I getting nice Stass or mum Stass?" He asked

"Ugh, shhh and come inside already I'm fucking freezing, oh and mum's home" she mentioned as the two of them walked up the driveway

"She is?" Theo asked, surprised that his mother actually took time off from being a nurse

"Yeah...I got back this morning and I've only seen her. She decided to take the day off since we both came back but I don't know about dad" she explained

"Doesn't fucking surprise me" he grumbled, already having his mood dampen at the mention of his father.

Walking into the house, Theo wasn't surprised by the lack of change over the years. The same welcoming family home, that so many in the neighbourhood were jealous of.

"Where is she?" He asked

"Kitchen I think" Stass suggested as she led the way

She was right. And there she was. His mother. Theo couldn't ever be annoyed at his mother. She was an amazing woman who worked extremely hard, but just made one bad decision which messed up her life. That bad decision being marrying his father.

"Mum" Theo smiled, having his hands in his pockets nervously as he watched her standing infront of the fridge looking for something

At the sound of her name, Aurora turned around. "My darling boy" she beamed, closing the fridge door and reaching over the countertop to take Theo's hand.

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