♔ 𝕿𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 - 𝕾𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 ♔

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

They will die, though. All of them. As will my father, for igniting all of this. For leaving, and in doing so, leaving me to protect my brother and sister. It is only for that reason I did not hide in the woodlands from the Fae. It is only that reason I could not take Metri, and attacked Ayleth and Abner for daring to take my brother. It is because of him I wore the Pario Telum at my waist, and why it came to be used upon me.

I want that dagger back. Another desire among so many already. They whirl around my mind so fast I cannot organise them. There is no way to formulate them into some sort of plan. I do not know which will come first, or which is a risk worth taking right now. Above all, I do not know when I will begin, because something is stalling me.

I have a feeling it is because once I begin, it will mean being alone again. It will mean leaving behind a place where I have felt freer than I have ever before. I do not dare to consider that those within this Court may not wish to join me when I leave. Calix has offered help, but how far will it stretch?

Vasami huffs at my agitation, and I apologise through a mumble, running my hand along her head. She settles again at the touch, so I do not stop as I lift my sights to the sky.

A blur of movement comes from afar, something I am familiar with. A body carried by wings, sailing through the air with astounding grace and speed. Tynan does so often, and for a moment, I consider asking him to teach me. The thought disappears almost as quickly as it formed, because I know the lessons would grate on the very last of my patience.

As I watch him streak through the sky, I still cannot help the unconscious twitch that comes from my wings at the idea of what that must feel like. That day when I rode Achilles as he flew was beyond my greatest imagination, and I think doing so myself would be so phenomenal, there would be few others words I could use to explain it.

Tynan's form grows as he comes closer. Soon, I can make out the shape of his wings, the contrast of cloth on skin, the fall of his hair. Longer than it should be.

I leap to my feet, almost tripping over Vasami as I move forward. My eyes never stray from the sky, not even when my knees start to buckle at the realisation. "CENRED!" I scream, my heart thundering in anticipation. It is him. Cenred.

I take off running closer, even though he is still in the sky. I sprint so fast that I am not sure my feet even touch the ground. I am not watching my step, only watching him as he flies towards the Night Court, all while I cry out his name. Over and over. "CENRED!"

He notices me, and in that same moment, his direction changes. He dives towards me, quicker than I have ever seen him or Tynan fly, his wings tucked into his side as he plummets for the ground. I am still running towards him. Closer and closer, sobbing when I begin to see the definition in his features, the absolute relief that swallows them.

He lands with such a force that his footing fails and he buckles over on one knee. Then I hear him whisper my name.

I do not stop running, so quickly that the air whistles as I slice through it, and then I am with him, wrapped in his arms, sobbing into his shoulder.

He holds me tight to him, his hands having fisted into the material of my dress at my back. His whole body is shaking, and I think mine is too. He is here. After so long, I can see him again.

"Demiurge, I have missed you." He whispers, and there is a distinctive quiver to his voice that betrays all his emotion. When he pulls away, I know it is the same relief that has brought tears to his eyes. He wipes away all of mine, bringing his lips to kiss my forehead with a brotherly sort of affection, and he holds them there as I begin to cry louder. "Please, do not cry Nira."

Beneath Shadows and Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें