Chapter 31: The end of and era

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I do not want to hold you back.

But of course. He was thinking that he was holding you back!

But why? You had never said such thing.

"Loki I want to come with you. You are not holding me back of anything." You laughed, trying to make him understand that your were serious.

"Do you remember what you said during your speech last night?"

And then it all clicked, like pieces of a puzzle. So this was all about a stupid speech that you made at a collage party while in a half drunk state? You laughed and shook your head. You couldn't believe that Loki would ever think like that.


"You said that you had a life full of travels and adventures in front of you and I can't promise that this is what you will get on Asgard. I want you to have everything that you ever dreamed of, every little experience that you can. I can't bear the thought that you will be missing out on the life that you wanted because of me."

His eyes were finally looking into yours. You had a soft smile on your face that wasn't going away. His words were truly so beautiful. The way he thought of you made your little half-human heart so much warmer. But you also couldn't believe how much of an idiot he was. How could he think that you would put things of such low value above what you had with him.

"Loki darling, when are you going to realize that I love you, and that more than anything in this world I want to be with you."

"But-" He tried to speak but you cut him immediately. You had more to say.

"It's true that I wanted to travel and see the world but I never wanted to do those things alone. Since I can remember myself, I dreamed of finding love as perfect and as deep as the one I saw in the movies. I dreamed of finding a boy that I would love more than anything and who would love me and treat me like a princess. And now, Loki, I found you; I found my prince that is capable of making me happy every day, no matter where we are and no matter what we do."

Loki's eyes were now shinning with hope. His grin was getting wider until it turned into a smile. You love it when he smiled. He should do it more often.

"Are you sure?" He asked you one more time but he already knew the answer to that.

"Just because we won't live on earth it doesn't mean that we won't get to have all kinds of adventures together. I have heard you and Thor talk about all those things that you did as kids on Asgard and to be honest I was always kind of jealous."

"Really?" He laughed.

"Totally!" You exclaimed. Loki was now as excited as you were. "I mean all the things you can do on Asgard...There are definitely things that you can't do here. And I can't wait to do every single one of them with you."

Loki looked at you with a wide smile. He was happy and you were happy as well. And you meant every word that came out of your mouth. You were truly excited for this new chapter of your life together to begin and who knew where it could lead. Not that you cared all that much. As long as you had your prince by your side you didn't care where life would take you.

"Convinced?" You asked him teasingly.

"Extremely." Loki said and leaned in so your lips could touch.

"But-" You cut the kiss in half and said. "We are going to need to tell the people the truth."

He frowned. Maybe he didn't like that part too much but it was what needed to be done. Deep down he knew it too.

You sighed. "We'll just tell them that Odin decided to retire on earth and mourn his wife properly. We'll also say that he felt like being a king was too much for him."

In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora