Chapter 31: The end of and era

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"I wouldn't care." You said stiffly, without breaking eye contact. "I know what he has done, I know what kind of a father he was and most importantly I know all about shitty fathers."

"You are not like that." He suddenly looked away, as if he couldn't bear to look into your eyes.

"I am not. I wouldn't do it. I would never do it, that's true. But Loki you need to understand that you and I are not the same. You make different choices but in the end of the day we accept and love each other no matter what. I love you Loki no matter what you do. I will always be by your side."

"Y/n I do not want to hold you back." He still wouldn't look at you.

"What?" You were confused. What did this have to do with everything? How was he holding you back? "Loki I don't understand."

"That is because I didn't get to finish..." He took a deep breath but still avoided the eye contact. "Soon after my mother's death I realized that Odin would never recover. That he would never be the same man that he was when she was around. So maybe I wanted to help." He sighed. "I knew what the only thing that would help him was, the only thing that would help my pain too; to erase his memories."

Loki would still not look at you. So he erased the poor man's memories for his own good. What was so wrong with that?

"Though I didn't not want to risk him waking up one day, free of my spells and knowing that I stole from him the opportunity to mourn his true love. The only thing that I thought would be good for my father was to send him as far away from the deaths and sorrows as possible. To relieve him of his duties. So i decided to make him forget everything about Asgard. I turned him into a simple old, lonely man and left him here, on earth, in some care home for the elderly."

Loki let out another deep sighed. You could feel that a burden had been taken off his shoulders. As if he had been wanting to talk about it with someone but could never find the right person. But he would still not look at you, like he was waiting for you to say something bad, to take back everything that you had previously said.

But you didn't plan on doing so.

"Loki you did what you saw fit. You did it for your father's good. And believe me I know exactly what you are thinking." It was true, you knew, even without magic you could read that man pretty well. "You fear that deep down you didn't do it for him but for you. All those years you tried to take the throne and kick him out and now that he was completely vulnerable you were finally able to do so."

He didn't speak. He turned his head even further away from you.

"My love it is okay." Your voice was calm and reassuring and made Loki to finally turn to look into your eyes. "I understand that it was hard being in Thor's shadow and that you too needed to show who you were but Odin would never allow it. Maybe I don't agree one hundred percent with the way that it happened but I am happy it did. Besides Odin is too old, maybe this break will do him good."

"For the past three years I have been disguised as Odin in order to become king of Asgard. Everyone there thinks I am dead."

"That can be fixed with time."

"Y/n you understand that I need to go back right? As long as I am the king of Asgard, either I portray as my father or not, I need to be there. I need to live there, do you understand that?"

"Of course I do." You laughed, not understanding why Loki is being so worried about it. "So we move to Asgard. That does not bother me."

Loki takes his eyes away from you again, this time looking down at his hands. For a moment you are confused, you thought that he would be happy about you wanting to follow him but then it hit you;

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