Chapter 8: Make a choice

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Once you locked eyes with Loki you instantly knew that everything was going to be fine. The sweet smirk on his lips made you feel safe and so much stronger. After a few more seconds of staring at him you finally realised where you were standing and immediately came back to the real world.

As you turned around a car was suddenly landed in front of you and then a second later Thor was on top of it. Steve walked next to him from the end of the bridge and they both started at you in annoyance as they walked passed.

"We could've really used the help guys." Steve but none of them stopped to talk to you.

Of course he was right. This was no time for romance, you were in the middle of a very serious mission and you had to move. You exchanged on last smile with Loki and then you both ran towards the fight.

Now, with Loki by your side you were more sure than ever. You fought more confidently and with zero fears, knowing that the man you loved had your back. Everyone was also seemed to be giving everything that they had to that fight.

Steve and Thor were fighting back to back and surprisingly made the perfect team. Of course you knew they were good together but apparently you had missed a lot. You could still feel a tension in the team but nevertheless they were still the strongest team you knew.

While you were fighting you suddenly caught a very familiars figure with the corner of your eye, decapitating robots like they were nothing. You then immediately turned around to take a better look at Nat fighting like the most fearless warrior you knew. It didn't take her long to notice you looking at her with a huge smile on your face.

"I knew we hadn't gotten rid of you yet." She said and you laughed.

"Oh, I am not that easy to get rid of."

A robot suddenly flew towards you and you were only okay thanks to Steve's shield, killing the thing only a few inches away from your face.

"Hey! Less talking more fighting." He said and you refocused on the fight.

Perhaps it would've been better if you had some time to readjust after bringing back your memories but sadly, once again, time was not your friend. From the second you remembered everything and learned about the mission you had decided to let your feelings aside for a while.

The truth was that until that point you had done very well. Somehow, throughout those three years of oblivion you had connected deeply with powers. From the moment you got your memories back it was just easier for you to control your magic and ever Frey. You could now feel her inside your head and even contain her.

For the moment she was still asleep but you feared for the duration of that.

"Y/N!" You suddenly heard Loki yell and without thinking you formed a purple shield around the two of you.

When you opened your eyes about a ten or more robots were shooting at you and Loki. Your shield was thankfully strong enough to hold on for a while. You then turn to look at Loki who seemed both worried and impressed with you.

"I'm fine." You told him and Loki nodded.

The rest of the team around you was killing off as many of the robots as they could but these ones were determined to hurt you badly. Loki could not use his magic inside your shield to kill any of them on the outside so for a moment you seemed stuck. But as you felt the magic rushing inside you, you decided to let go.

You then took a deep breath and let your shield fall, releasing a huge amount of magic, killing off about twenty robots at once. This of course required quite a lot of magic and immediately made you feel a little lightheaded but you managed to hide it. You were starting to get tired but you had to hold on as much as you could.

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