Chapter 3: I am back

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The flight was extremely torturing and you felt like the clock had suddenly stopped ticking. Many awful thoughts danced inside your mind of what the outcome of your little trip could actually be. You tried to think positively but it seemed nearly impossible.

Finally after a lot of anxious thoughts and endless possibilities running through your head you landed on New York. You then quickly got out of the plane and got into the first taxi you could find.

"Where to miss?" The driver asked you.

For a second you froze, thinking that maybe this was not such a good idea. Maybe you were making a mistake that you still had time to fix.

But then again maybe this was the only way to figure out what was going on.

"The Avengers Tower please." You told him casually and he looked at you in confusion for a second before driving away. You totally sounded like an ultra dramatic main character in a stupid teen movie drama.

As the taxi drove through the beautiful roads of New York you actually started to realise that you were actually there. You had always wanted to visit New York but never had the time to do so. Of course you never thought your first trip there would be under those circumstances but you had to work with what you had.

The sun had already started to set and the city looked even more beautiful with the last sunlight of the day hitting on the top floor windows of the highest buildings.

After a few more minutes inside the taxi, admiring the beauty of the city, you had arrived at the Avengers Tower. The building really looked more breathtaking form up close. There were for sure at least thirty levels on this it and as for its structure, it was just a piece of art.

After you took your stuff out of the taxi and paid the man you slowly walked into the tower without thinking too much of it. Even at that time the lobby was quite busy; phones ringing, people talking and walking fast towards every direction. No one really paid attention to you except for a few guards who had some suspicious looks on their faces.

You then walked up to the front desk, not wanting to drive any more attention to you and there you saw a polite looking woman sitting behind it. You smiled at her awkwardly and once she saw you she gave you a very happy smile, as if she knew you already.

"Y/n!" She suddenly said. "I didn't know you were coming."

Well apparently she did know you.

You were now more confused than ever but you couldn't let her know that. You needed to get inside that building no matter what. You had to pay it cool.

"Hi..." You continued smiling awkwardly.

"It's weird, Mr. Stark didn't tell me you would be coming come and given the situation..." She started looking over some papers in front of her in confusion. She then tried to pick up the phone to call someone but you immediately stopped her.

"Actually....I came unexpectedly." You gave the woman a fake, anxious smile.

"Oh, I see. Well then you should go, they are all upstairs." She told you and pointed towards the elevator.

"Yes, great. Thanks." You told her and started walking towards the elevator.

Though you suddenly stopped as you realised you had forgotten a very important detail; you had no idea in which floor the Avengers actually were. You decided to turn around and go back to the front desk, the woman would clearly not suspect anything.

"Hey...." You leaned closer to her and she looked at you in confusion. "Well....It has been some time and I don't quite remember the floor so..."

"Oh yeah don't worry, even I get lost in her some times, the place is huge. But, this is how Mr. Stark likes it so, what can you do?" The woman laughed and so did you. "Anyway, the 25th floor love."

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