Chapter 2: Where are you going?

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When you opened your laptop you had very little hopes of finding a random guy named Loki. You were of course quite surprised when you typed his name on Google and countless sites, articles and photos of him appeared on your screen. It also didn't take you long to find out his adoptive brother, Thor's name and many pictures of. You started reading about the both of them and what you found scared you even more.

As it turned out the two men were actual Gods from another planet called Asgard. Thor was the God of Thunder and Loki the God of Mischief. Loki had tried to conquer New York about four years ago and Thor along with a team called the Avengers stopped him and imprisoned him.

Some months later Loki returned with his brother on earth and not many people saw him after that. No matter what you read about him, everyone said that Loki was always bad news and many supported that he shouldn't even be walking free.

Later you started reading about the Avengers; Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk and of course Thor. Earth's mightiest heroes; that was what everyone called them. They had saved New York many times and also earth. They were all legends but behind their masks they were all simple humans.

Tony Stark was a billionaire, playboy that inherited his father's huge weapons industry which's products were later used to destroy many lives. After a near death experience, Tony decided to turn his life around and shut down the weapons industry to craft and sell expansive peaces of technology instead.

Steve Rogers, the man frozen in time as many called him. America's attempt to make a super soldier to defeat the Nazis in the second world war started out a tiny man but after the serum was the reason of a great victory. Sadly in order to help everyone he ended up in the ice for 70 years to save humanity.

Natasha Romanoff, a ruthless, Russian assassin that killed thousands of people in her career. No one really knew where she had come from but many were scared of her before she recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D, the same organisation that formed the Avengers.

Bruce Banner, a scientist that tried to recreate the super soldier serum but an unfortunate accident turned him into the Hulk. He had been trying to get rid of the monster for many years and keep it in for even more but finally managed to, in a way, control it once he joined the team.

Clint Barton, a simple archer and a very important member of S.H.I.E.L.D. An ordinary man whose personal life had always been a mystery to the public. He was really the only one for whom you found almost no information.

And finally Thor Odinson, a God from Norse mythology that turned out to be real. He is the God of Thunder and first came to earth without his powers. No one really knew the backstory of that but when his brother Loki sent a weird robot to kill him along with everything and everyone that found on its  way, he got his powers back and saved everyone. He is said to have an enormous amount of power.

The more you read about those people the more you couldn't believe they were real. Super-humans, assassins and even Gods?! What kind of a team was that? Though you searched and found out everything about the Avengers initiative and its members you still had nothing on Loki.

The only things you could find about him were old articles of about four or five years ago when he tried to take over New York. According to them he opened a portal on top of the Stark tower and brought a huge army of aliens to help him fight.

Thankfully the Avengers managed to defeat him and after that he left with Thor to Asgard. Some say that he eventually came back and lived with the Avengers but no one had seen him in person again.

You continued searching for hours but there was still nothing left for you to read. You felt like you already knew all of them very well. Although none of the sites and articles you read had the answer to how you were connected to all of this.

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