Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup

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During the time between your first and most recent visit in Limbo, you had read a bunch of books about it. By the time you were back in there you knew so many new things about it. One of them was that Limbo could often change to fit one's mind and better. Some say this was happening in order for the dead to have a calm and easy transition to the other world. Others believed that it was so the person kept touch with his life a little longer and maybe have a chance in returning to the world of the living.

Whichever one of these theories was true, you didn't care. To you it didn't matter what your Limbo looked like or why it looked like that. You didn't intend to stay in there for long anyway.

This time you were going to spend your time between life and death on Asgard. To be more specific you were standing in the middle of the garden of the palace, where you and Loki shared your first kiss.

So many beautiful memories suddenly came to you. This was the place that your lips first touched Loki's. The place that you first realized how much more he meant to you. It was the place where your relationship with him would change for ever and you would enter the next best chapter in your life.

You wandered around for a while and the went on to sit on the same bench that you were sitting that night, right before Loki came to find you. You closed your eyes and tried to relive that moment exactly as it had happened.

To that day this was still one of the best moments of your entire life. For a second it was like you could feel Loki's presence next to you. For a second you managed to forget that he was still in the world of the living, struggling to free your body from your evil sister's spirit while you were trapped in Limbo.

This was actually one of the calmest moments of your last month. You were, for the first time in a while, sitting alone in silence, true silence, with nothing around you to interrupt this. Even though you knew how dangerous it was for you to be in Limbo you couldn't help but enjoy it a little.

A few minutes later you opened your eyes again and stood up. As it seemed, you are going to stay in there for a while, so you decided to walk around for a bit. The palace of Asgard was rumored to have one of the most beautiful gardens in the nine realms and this was your chance to truly appreciate its beauty.

As you wandered around the garden you admired at all the different flowers. There were beautiful roses and lilies but also other kinds of flowers that your mind had never dreamed of. The place was really breathtaking. From the first moment you had visited Asgard you knew that this was the place that you wanted to spend your life. It wasn't so much that Midgard wasn't nice but Asgard was way more than that.

You continued your relaxing walk around the palace when suddenly you felt another presence inside the Limbo. You knew very well by now that Limbo was mainly personal and two souls had to be deeply connected and also leave their bodies at about the same time in order to end up in the same Limbo. 

Given all that you were of course more than surprised to sense someone else near you. Immediately you formed a purple ball of energy on your right hand and started walking slowly and constantly looking around, always in alert.

After a few minutes of scouting the place you were unable to find anyone. This was extremely weird but you decided to drop your guard and relax. The reason why you felt like that was probably because you were too tired from the spell, your body was, after all, still undergoing some pretty intense spells. Even using this little magic could exhaust you.

Maybe the presence that you had felt was Wanda's, maybe she was trying to reach you, make sure that you were alright. You instantly closed your eyes and tried to confirm your connection with the living. It wasn't hard for you to feel Wanda holding your soul tight, making sure that you stayed exactly were you were.

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