Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events

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Loki's POV

The spell had finally started and you were asleep. Loki looked at your calm, beautiful face for a second. You had decided to put your life into his hands. No one had ever trusted him like that. He loved you so much and if anything went wrong that day, he would never forgive himself.

Wanda gently pinched his elbow in order to bring him back to reality. For a moment he seemed lost but then was back to being extremely focused on the spell. Now that you had successfully gone to Limbo and Wanda was holding onto you tight it was time for the hard part of the spell to start.

Loki started mumbling the words of the spell and a light drift appeared in the room. For a second Wanda looked at him worried but he gave her a reassuring nod, making her understand that it was all normal. The spell continued pretty smoothly. Loki had successfully managed to bring Frey's spirit to the surface and now all he had to do was transfer it to the new body while she was still asleep.

Sadly things weren't meant to go exactly as planned. Before anyone could understand why you opened your eyes and they were glowing purple. Both Loki and Wanda looked at each other in terror and then turned to the rest of the team.

"Run!" Loki yelled to them and with a sudden move you released an enormous amount of magic, knocking both Loki and Wanda off.

It didn't take the team longer than a few seconds to realise that this was not you. Frey had taken over and no one knew how that had happened. You had made sure a thousand times that Frey was still asleep and powerless but apparently you were wrong. Frey had managed to trick you and she was now in full control of your body while you were way too far to stop her. Which meant that your family was in great danger.

Loki quickly got back on his feet after the fall and immediately ran to Wanda, making sure she was okay before turning to Frey with a furious look on his face. Wanda followed Loki's order and hid behind the bed with the new body, creating a shield around it, in order to protect it.

Meanwhile the rest of the team looked in shock as Frey ascended on the air and Loki got ready to fight her. Tony was the first one to make a few steps towards the door, attempting to go and help Loki but Thor immediately stopped him.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. lock every door to the gym and do no unlock them until I tell you so." He shouted at the house's A.I

"Yes, Mr. Odinson." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said and did as Thor had commanded.

"What did you do you big idiot?" Tony yelled at him. "We need to help them!"

"Listen to me Stark," Thor got closer to Tony with a threatening look on his face. "if you had entered that room you would be dead within seconds. You do not know Asgardian magic and you better stay away of the things that you do not know."

"Don't push me point break." Tony lifted his head in order to look the tall God in the eyes.

"Guys this is no time to fight." Nat intervened before things got out of hand.

"The lady is right. They seem to be in real danger in there." Pietro added, worrying for his sister's safety.

On the inside of the gym the fight had already started. Frey was shooting out massive balls of purple energy to Loki but he was able to block all of them.

He had to figure out what to do quickly. Obviously he couldn't hurt the body, risking your return to it, so for the moment he saw no solution.

No one had predicted that Frey would wake up in the middle of the spell and make a mess and so you weren't prepared. Loki managed to shoot a couple of shots at her and even tried to put a restraining spell on her but she was already too strong. With you not being inside the body to slow her down she had full control and she was almost unstoppable.

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