Chapter 32: A big decision

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The day after your graduation you decided that it was time to leave London. Saying goodbye to Laura was the hardest part. You didn't want to let her go. She told you that she would come and visit every time that she was available but you had to crush her dreams when telling her that you would be moving to a different planet.

The look in her eyes when you told her showed you that she had a very strong urge to kill you. But she calmed a bit down when you promised her to come to London at least once a month to see her.

The plane ride home was very quiet. No one was really in a state to move or talk after partying so much the past few days. Almost all of you slept the entire time and the ones that didn't, occupied themselves with something very quiet.

Once you were in New York, things were back to normal. For the first few days you and Loki spent almost every minutes in your room. It was as if you desperately tried to make up for lost time. Of course such thing was not possible but you still had to try.

When you and Loki finally decided to have breakfast in the kitchen, with the rest of the family instead of inside your room, after almost a week, everyone seemed shocked to see you.

"Oh thank you for honoring us with your presence you two lovebirds." Tony mocked you once you entered the kitchen.

You laughed and gave a quick glance towards Loki.

Even though it was about eleven a.m. everyone was still sitting on the breakfast table. Most of them it was obvious that had woken up not so long ago. They had clearly been staying up late.

You and Loki sat down, you next to Bucky, who was reading a newspaper and Loki next to Thor, who as always was eating his favorite pop tarts. Paper immediately brought the both of you a good breakfast even though you told her that it was no need. But, she insisted on you needing all the energy that you could get in order for your magic to come back.

No one commented on that. You and Loki had filled everyone in the day that after you came back. Loki told them that it was just a matter of good rest. But it also had been a week and everyone knew very well that you worried quite a lot about your magic.

As for Frey, she was healthy and better than ever. She had her full powers back and you were sure that the only thing stopping her from unleashing them on you was Tony's genius handcuffs.

You cleared your throat. "No one reads newspapers anymore grandpa." You tried to block Bucky's vision with you fork.

"Leave me alone." He answered, clearly annoyed, moving the paper away from you. "How am I supposed to learn about what is going on in the world?"

"Your phone?" You asked ironically.

"The TV." Added Nat, not taking her eyes away from the book that she was reading.

"The radio. Which is still very old person-like but it better than going out every day to get the paper." Tony said as well.

"Don't worry Buck." Steve tapped on his buddy's shoulder. "I am on your side. There is no better source of information."

"I think that you forget the fact that you are the only one is actually the same age as him." You laughed and ate your pancake.

"And if I remember correctly...Aren't you older than both of us?"

"The years on Asgard don't count because I didn't know about them." You tried to defend yourself but you knew it was already a lost game.

"Then the years on the ice don't count." Buck said without even looking at you.

"He's got you there." Nat laughed and pointed at you. 

"Speaking of which..." Tony looked at you with a more serious face. You knew very well that what was coming you were not going to like. "What have you two decided?"

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