Pregnant (Billy Hargrove)

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(This was requested by @SmutPoliceOfficer and @DeanFosterswyfe, Sorry it took so long)

Summary: You start to feel sick so, you decide to take a Pregnancy test just to be safe but, you were shocked at the results.

Warning: Vomiting, Yelling

853 Words


I had just woken up and my head was already hung on the edge of the toilet as I threw up

"I should not have drunken that much last night" I said quietly to myself while sitting up perched on the wall just beside the toilet

The night before I had gone to one of Tina's big blowout parties and I may have had a little too much to drink because now I was sick

I had school today so I had to suck it up and deal with it. I went downstairs and got some aspirin from the cupboard and swallowed it down with a glass of water

I still wasn't feeling the best so, I just put on some sweats and started to head out the door

My Boyfriend, Billy picks me up everyday and takes me to school so, I waited to hear the loud roar of his Camero and sprinted outside to him

I opened the door for myself and got in, flinging my backpack over my shoulder and tossing it into the back seat

"Hey Billy" I say softly

"Hello Princess, how's your morning?" He asks me while putting his hand on the back of my headrest and turning his body to look back and pulling out of the driveway  

"Fine" I say looking down. Bill looks at me confused

"Just fine?" He says while looking at me curiously. "Why just fine? What happened?" Billy puts his hand on my thigh for comfort

"I think I had a little too much to drink last night at Tina's. That's all, I'm just hungover." I give him a reassuring smile

"Okay, if you need anything i'm always here" he says

My heart flutters

"I know" I say

We arrived at school and I get out of the car.

Billy and I walk in together hand in hand. Like always, Billy walks me to first period so he can make sure I get there safely

Halfway through first period, I start to feel sick again so I excused myself and sprinted out of the class into one of the stalls in the bathroom

I gripped onto the sides of the toilet as I vomit everything I had eaten this morning back up 

I lay my head on the edge of the toilet bowl as I try to catch my breath again

I must have been really sick. Or was it something different? No, it couldn't be, there's no way. But I think a for a little bit longer and decide that it's better to be safe than sorry. I decide to go buy a pregnancy test

There was a Pharmacy just across the street from the school so, I could just walk there

I walked out of the school and headed over to the Pharmacy full of anxiety. "What if I actually was pregnant. What would I do? Would Billy be mad at me?"

I thought of all the bad things that could happen and it scared me. "I'm 18, I don't want to spend the remainder of my teenage years taking care of a child"

I arrived at the Pharmacy and I walked straight over to the aisle where the pregnancy tests were. I grabbed one and walked to the checkout booth

After I had paid, I went into one of the private bathrooms so I could take the test. I locked the door and took the test

After I was done I set it on the counter and waited

My heart rate increased. It felt like I was about to pass out. If it turns out I actually am pregnant, my biggest fear is Billy leaving me. Leaving me to raise the baby alone

The time was up and the test results were ready

My palms were sweaty so, I wiped them onto my pants. I grabbed the stick ready to turn it over when I paused. I couldn't do it. What if I am actually pregnant. What will happen. I can already hear my mom's voice in my head, "Y/N, get out of my house, I don't want to see you or that baby ever again."

I started to break down. I sunk to the floor and held my face in my hands. "I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this."  I started to tell myself but, I reminded myself that I was stronger than this and if I really was pregnant then everything would be okay and everything is as it should be

I stood up from the floor slowly and reached out to flip over the stick. I closed my eyes and flipped it over with shaky hands. 

I slowly opened my eyes and read the results which read 


A/N: Oooohhh Cliffhanger. Should I do a second part with Billy's reaction? This was so much fun to write and thank you for the idea! Love you guys!

(Also, i'm thinking of writing a book but I don't have any book titles or ideas, if you have any ideas let me know! Thank You!)

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