Caught (Billy Hargrove)

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Credits for this story go to: @Hollandmalfoy29

Summary: Billy comes over and you get caught by our older brother

990 Words


When Steve is your older brother, nothing gets past him

He always played a motherly role since my mom and dad were always away and we didn't get to see them very often

Steve has always been very protective of me  including my friends, who I hang out with, and especially the boys

So, imagine how I felt when Billy Hargrove and I started dating

Well, of course I haven't told Steve, he wouldn't take it very well

Last time I had a boy over, Steve chased him around the block with his bat

Steve was away for the night so, Billy came over

I'm sitting on the couch when the doorbell rings

I get up and open the door and Billy is leaning against the doorframe and looking down. He was wearing a red button up shirt with the first three buttons undone and a leather jacket covering his shoulders. He also was wearing his signature tight jeans that he know I think looked hot on him

"Hey Baby" he said in his deep husky voice while looking up so his eyes met mine

"Hey, do you want to come in" I asked while stepping to the side and opening the door wider so he could come in

He walked in, his leather boots clicking against the hardwood floor

"Nice place you got here, Sweetheart" Billy said while looking around

I blushed. He knew I loved when he called me Sweetheart

"I think you'll like over here the best" I said leading him towards the couch in the living room

"And why is that" He asked smirking. He knew full well what I wanted

"Because we can do this" I grabbed him by the back of this neck to bring him closer while I smashed my lips into his with such urgency as if he'd disappear at any moment

Our lips moved in fluid motions as if they were made for each other. One of his hands was resting on my thigh and the other was I'm my cheek. I had one hand in his hair and one behind his neck.

Just as Billy has about to go further, we both hear keys jingle from outside the front door. We both jump apart from each other

"Is that your brother?" Billy asks. I've never seen him so nervous before

"I think so, but he wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow" I say panicking

We both see the doorknob twist

"Hide!" I yell at Billy. He runs to the coat closet and jumps in

"Y/N! I'M HOME" Steve announces from the entryway

I lay flat on the couch, pull a blanket over my head and pretend that I was asleep

Steve walks in the living room and looks at me. He gently pats me and moves the shit out of my face

I open my eyes slowly and pretend to yawn while stretching

"What time is it?" I ask Steve while fake yawning

"8:00. Why are you sleeping out here? You hate sleeping on the couch" Steve says folding his arms

I pause for a moment trying to think of a good enough lie

" I-um-I-I fell asleep watching a movie" I say stuttering

Steve looks like he doesn't believe me but says ok anyway

"Aren't you still supposed to be with the kids?" I ask Steve because he was supposed to be with Mike, Will, Max, El, Lucas and Dustin 

"Oh, they ditched me for the Arcade" He sounded genuinely sad

"Well, I'm sorry they're bullying you" I say teasingly. Steve pushes my head

I could see that Steve was going to hang his coat up in the coat closet

"WAIT!" I yell at Steve. He stops and turns back to look at me like im crazy

"What?" He asks

"Um-let me do it for you, I bet you've had a long day" I say quickly

"No, I'm ok" Steve says 


He stands there and looks at me in total shock

"Ok, if it means that much to you, here you go" he says handing me his coat

"It does. And thank you" I sua taking the coat out of his hands

I walk over to the coat closet and look around first to make sure Steve wasn't around, when I see he isn't I open the door slowly

"When can I come out?" Billy asks

"Soon, I just have to get him out of the house first" I say

I shut the door again and walk towards Steve

He was in the kitchen making dinner


The pasta that Steve made was done

We were sitting at the table eating when we both hear a loud band come from the coat closet. I had totally forgotten Billy was in there

"What was that?" Steve asked getting in his protective mother mode

"Oh, I bet something just fell" I said panicking trying to get Steve to back down

"I'm going to check" he said grabbing his bat from the garage

"No Steve why do you need that bat?!" I say seriously worried now

"Just in case" he says

"This isn't going to end well" I think to myself

Steve gets closer to the closet and puts his hand in the doorknob

"Y/N?" Steve says

I turn towards him biting my nails anxiously "yeah?" I ask

"If I get hurt I just want you to know that you've always been my favorite sibling" he says

I paused "I'm your only sibling" I say

He nods and turns the doorknob

I can see his face slowly start to turn red, his jaw clenches and he runs his head towards me in anger

Well, I guess he found him.

PART 2??????

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