Christmas Decorations

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Summary: You were too lazy to put up your Christmas decorations this year so, someone else does it for you.

837 Words

It was almost Christmas and the inside of your house was decked out in Christmas decorations.

Everything from the bright tree in the corner of the living room to the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling in the entryway of your house

You even had silver and gold tinsel wrapped around the railings of your staircase

You always go all out for the Christmas season but this year you were so tired from decorating the inside of your house you didn't do the outside

You figured that you wouldn't be going outside as much so, what was the point of decorating the outside of your house if you wouldn't even see it?

So, that night instead of decorating outside in the cold, you sat inside with a warm cup of hot cocoa in your hand while you were curled up in front of your fireplace with a blanket wrapped loosely around your shoulders while Home Alone played in the background.


It was about 10:00 at night and it had gotten dark

You were on your third Christmas movie at that point but, Christmas movies could never bore you so you were fine

A few minutes later you heard some voices come from the other side of your door

The voices were muffled so you couldn't tell what they were saying

You were debating whether or not to go out and check what was going on or to just stay inside and watch ten more Christmas movies

You decided to go outside

You put on some shoes and went to see what was happening

When you got out there, you saw three boys wrapping Christmas lights around the stone pillars attached to your garage

"Excuse me" you said to one of them, "what's going on here?"

The one you were taking to opened his mouth to speak but, a voice behind you answered for him

"We saw you didn't have any Christmas decorations out so, my friends and I put some out for you" the voice said.

Was that an Australian accent?

You turned around to see the most beautiful man you've ever seen in your life. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and that accent. Ugh, you were practically swooning over him and you didn't even know his name

"Well, thats every thoughtful of you," you extended the u out asking his name.

"Dacre," he said while putting his hand out for you to shake "Dacre Montgomery"

Even his name was attractive

"Y/N Y/L/N" you said returning his handshake

"I know" he said

"What?" I asked confused

"Sorry, that came out wrong" he laughed "I didn't mean for it to seem like I was stalking you or anything, I live just down the street and I know we haven't met officially but I've heard about you. That's how I know you" he explained

"Oh, I didn't even know you existed until just now" we both laughed

"But in all seriousness, that was so sweet for you to set all of my Christmas decorations up for me" I said

"Oh, it's no problem" he said smiling

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?" I ask him

"Well, your really pretty. Maybe I could get your number? We could go out for coffee sometime" he said "if not that's fine, you don't have to" he said looking down

"No, if course I can give you my number. Let me run inside real quick and get my phone" I said before running to my front door and getting my phone off of the couch. But not before doing a little happy dance

You ran back out and stuck out your phone so he could put his number in

He took it from your grasp and typed in his number before handing it back and giving you his phone to put your number in

You gave him his phone back after you were finished

"Ok, well I guess I'll see you soon" Dacre said to you

"I'll be looking forward to it" I said smiling like an idiot

"Ok, I'll text you in the morning" he said before walking away with his friends who were congratulating him by clapping him on the back.

The rest of the night you were thinking about tomorrow morning and about Dacre texting you

You started to get ready for bed and then we went to bed

You didn't sleep that much that night because if the anticipation for tomorrow

A/N Im so sorry I haven't been updating lately. School has been stressful because winter break just started so I've been trying to get caught up in my classes but, I'll be updating more now! I'll do another Christmas imagine tomorrow and if you have any Christmas suggestions then please request them. Im always open to ideas! Love you guys 😙


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