"I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror"

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Summary: You and Dacre ask each other questions about things you didn't know about each other and it gets juicy

526 Words


Dacre and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie like we always do on Friday nights when he turns to me

"Y/N/N?" Dacre says turning his body to face me

"Yes?" I reply looking back at him

"We should ask questions about each other that we don't know" He suggests

"Ok" I said

"I'll go first" he says "who and when was your first kiss?"

"Oh, we're diving in head first here aren't we?" Dacre chuckles at my comment "ok, well it was Peter Matthews in 9th Grade"

"Was he good" Dacre asked me

"No, he shoved he tongue down my throat and we got our braces stuck together, the principal had to come out and cut the wires with metal pliers" I shudder at the memory

I turn to see Dacre laughing

"Ok, ok nobody first kiss is actually good, what was yours, hotshot?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest

"Miley McAdams in 8th grade" he said proudly

"Ok, was she good, and be honest don't just try and be better than me" I said

"Ok, fine she wasn't that good" he admitted

"HA! See, nobody's first kiss is good" I pointed at him and poked his chest with my finger indicating that I had made my point

"Ok, Y/N, who was your first boyfriend?" Dacre asked

"Johnny Smith" I said. Dacre and I went to the same high school so, if I'm talking about someone I went to high school with, he'll know who I'm talking about

"Ew, that Sophomore Jock that thought that he was better than everyone?" He said genuinely disgusted

"Hey, he was cute, and he was nice to me" I said trying to stick up for him

"Ok, my turn to ask you a question" I said "what was one thing you used to do when you had a crush on me and we weren't dating yet?"

He sucked in his cheeks and his whole face turned bright red while he rubbed the back of his neck

"Oh, c'mon, it can't be that bad compared to my first kiss story" I said rubbing his shoulder

"Ok, fine" he finally said "do you remember the day I asked you out on a date for the first time?"

"Of course, how could I forget" I said smiling remembering the moment

"Well" he hesitated "about a week before, I remember practicing how to ask you in the mirror" he said completely serious

"Dacre that's not weird, that's cute! You did that for me?" I asked him

"I would do anything for you" Dacre says leaning in and kissing you softly

We pulled away

"Ok, this is going to sound really weird but, I used to have a picture of you in my closet" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck

He was silent

"What?" He said

Hey! I know it's been a while but updated again. I hope you liked it!

Who, when and where was your first kiss?

Dacre Montgomery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now