Camping Pt 3

495 11 6

Summary: You and Dacre shared a kiss. Now you both know you like each other 😉

Words: 544


Last Dacre and I kissed. I was heading up to my room to sleep and he kissed me

I woke up in a great mood remembering what had happened the night before

I showered, did my normal makeup and got dressed in a basic lacy white top and some high waisted jeans with a white belt

I finished curling my hair then I went downstairs

When I got to the bottom of the stairs all of the guys were gathered around the island in the kitchen seeming to be deep in conversation

"I wonder what their talking about?" I said in my head

"Hey guys" I said while going to the fridge to get some orange juice

When I turned back they were all staring at me without saying anything

I looked at Dacre and he just looked away

"What's wrong?" I questioned

My eyes went wide with realization

They knew

"Do you guys know?" I asked the boys

They nodded

"Oh great" I said with a sigh and dropped my head on the counter

"Y/N, I'm not mad" Jake said

I lifted my head up from the counter to look at him

"You aren't?" I thought he was going to be pissed

Jake came and stood by me

"You know this was our whole plan right?" Jake said leaning on the counter in front of him looking back at me

"What?" I was so confused

"Yeah, I brought Dacre so you guys could meet. I knew you'd think he was cute. We were trying to set you guys up" Jake explaines

"Why?" I ask

"Because you're always talking about how you're so lonely and how you need a boyfriend so, I got you a boyfriend" he motions over to Dacre

I was speechless

"You know what, I'll just leave you guys alone to talk good luck mate and I believe he has something to ask you Y/N" he says patting Dacre's shoulder and leaving the kitchen.

"You're welcome, you can thank us later" Conner said also leaving the room with Justin following behind him.

"So, what'd you want to ask me?" I said shyly

"Well I was going to do this in a more romantic scene but, the boys kind of ruined it" he said

I laugh at the humor in his voice

"So, I was was wondering if maybe you would like to be my girlfriend? You don't have to say yes if you don't want to I totally get it. You know what this was a bad idea I'm sorry I even ask-"

I cut him off by pulling him into a passionate kiss and it ended up with me against the fridge

I pulled away to look at him

"Dacre Montgomery, I would love to be your girlfriend" I said smiling

The End

I'm so sorry that took so long to be published I honestly kinda forgot about this story until people reminded me about it💀
But here it is! I hope you enjoyed!
You guys have good ideas so I would love to hear more if you have any ❤️

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