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Summary: You and your Best Friend go camping and he brings someone you've never met

1193 Words


Every year me, my best friend Jake and some of his friends go on a camping trip together

We go to the same spot every year

It has a lake, a forest behind the cabin that we take our annual hikes on and a fire pit that's in a small clearing in the woods

We were getting ready to leave. Our duffle bags were stowed away in the trunk of the car

"Ok, y/n/n I think we're ready to head up." Jake says enthusiastically. "Oh, I totally forgot to tell you, I'm bringing one of my friends I don't think you've met him before. His name's Dacre"

"Oh, ok" I say confused "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I told you, I forgot" he rolls his eyes "he's gonna meet us up there so we don't have to drive him"

"Ok" I said as I hopped in the passenger seat of Jake's car

We went and picked up both of Jake's friends and headed to the camp site

The drive up to the cabin was filled with Brittany Spears and Miley Cyrus. The boys sang loudly to Party in the U.S.A while I just laughed and filmed them

After about 2 hours of driving we had finally arrived

We parked the car by the side of the cabin

We got out of the car, grabbed our luggage and headed inside

The inside of the cabin had a huge fireplace going all the way up the ceiling and a family sized living room with a big grey couch in the middle.

The kitchen had an island with granite countertops and bar stools sat around it.

You made your way up the carpeted stairs and to your room

Since you were always the only girl to go on the trip you always got your own room

Your room was exactly how you left it last year

There was a small fireplace in the corner of the room and a small table and chairs by it.

The bedsheets were just plain grey and above the bed were paintings of mountains and streams.

The windows were the best part. You could see the mountains and the pine trees and the mist above it all.

You always loved watching the sunsets from the window with a cup of hot cider in your hand and a warm blanket wrapped around you.

You set your luggage on the bed and plopped down on the bed

Your comfort didn't last long because you heard the doorbell ring and then the boys shouting excitedly.

You went downstairs to see what was going on when you saw the most beautiful man that you had ever laid your eyes on

He had light brown hair and a gorgeous smile

He had a little bit of a stubble which you loved

Jake saw you standing at the top of the stairs

"Y/N come here!" He waved you over. You made your way over to him

"This is Dacre. You know the one I told you about" he gestured to Dacre. I nodded

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Dacre said, his eyes fixed on me as he put his hand out for me to shake

Damn, an Australian accent too

I took his hand in mine and shook it

"You too" I said trying not to blush at his beauty

"Dacre, you'll be staying in my room" Jake said to him

"Awesome, thanks mate" he smiled

Yup, definitely Australian

He let go of my hand and followed Jake upstairs

"Y/N, you ok? You look like a tomato" Jakes friend Carter asks

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just a little hot in here, can you turn on the AC or something?" I asked fanning myself

"Sure thing" Carter says

Dacre and Jake both come back down the stairs and everyone sits on the couch

I sat myself next to Jake who held a paper with this week's schedule plan

"Ok, so the first activity this week is the bonfire later tonight but, for dinner we're going to grill some hot dogs and hamburgers. Dacre and I are on grilling duty, the rest of you guys set up the chairs and tables. Got it?" Jake explained. Everyone nodded in agreement

"Ok, let's get started" Jake said standing up and heading towards the sliding door to the backyard

Carter, Justin (Jake's other friend) and I went out to the shed and grabbed the lawn chairs, the tables and we also found Cornhole so we brought that out too

We got everything set up and we played Cornhole while Dacre and Jake cooked the food

I looked over a couple of times to see Dacre cooking the meat

His arms tensed up and biting his lip while he flips the Patty's

I got weak in the knees just looking at him

He looked over and we made eye contact

I blushed and smiled at him

He smiled back at me and added a wink

My stomach erupted in butterflies. I looked away and went back to playing Cornhole

*Time skip brought to you by Billy's hot daddy mullet😩😩*

We finished eating our dinner and we went to the bonfire to roast marshmallows

I was twirling my marshmallow around in the fire when I feel the presence of someone next to me

I look over and see Dacre sitting next to me roasting his own marshmallow

"Is it alright if I sit here?" He asks

I could barely get out a yes so I just nodded

"Thanks Beautiful" he says with a smirk

This man was about to make me faint

Further into the night at the bonfire Dacre's hand had made it's way to my thigh where it rested there most of the night

"It's getting late, we should probably go inside now" Carter said breaking the silence

Everyone agreed and we all went inside

I headed up to my room and got into my red plaid sweatpants and white t shirt

I brushed my teeth and did all my night things

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and I open it to see Dacre standing there

"Hey? What are you doing here?" You asked confused as to why he was standing outside your bedroom door

He leaned on the side of the door frame

"I just wanted to say goodnight" he said innocently

He wanted to say goodnight?

I haven't even known him for 24 hours

"Oh, o-ok" you say

He leans in and puts a kiss on your cheek then walks away with a smirk

You slowly close the door still processing what was happening

You touch you cheek gently and smile as you get in bed

You fell asleep happy that night

I'm thinking of making a few more parts to this imagine. If you don't want me to  continue for part 2 that's fine.
What should I do?
Also, requests are open and highly recommended, it helps me tremendously! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


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