Lifeguards (Billy Hargrove)

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(This is a Billy Hargrove imagine)

Summary: You decide to be a lifeguard for your summer job and you meet someone that you eventually grow very fond of

683 Words


Last summer I worked at Scoops Ahoy with Steve and Robin when all the stuff with the Russian spies and mind flayer happened.
(Let's just pretend Billy didn't die ok?)

This summer I wanted it to be different, and hopefully it would

I signed up for a lifeguard job at Hawkins local swimming pool

They said they would get back to me about the job in a few days. 

A few days later they had told me I had gotten the job

Today was going to be the first day of work

I put on my red swimsuit and I put my hair up in a ponytail

I drove to the swimming pool and opened the gate. I set my stuff down in the locker room and headed towards the lifeguard chair

I climbed up and sat

I put my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose and twirled the whistle around on my finger 

I was eyeing everyone in the pool making sure everyone was following the pool rules when I heard the mom's that were side by side on the lounge chairs talking.

The one that I recognized to be Nancy Wheeler's mom announced to the other mom's that someone was coming

All of the mom's fixed their makeup and sat upright on the chairs

I looked over to see a blonde dude with a mullet and some sunglasses. His red swim trucks were low on his hips

Billy Hargrove

"Hey Billy" said the mom's

"Hello Ladies" Billy said looking at the women

I turned back to watch the people in the pool when someone below me tapped my leg

I looked down to see Billy Hargrove

"Can I help you?" I asked, turning my head to look down at him

"Well, I've never seen you here before. Are you new?" He asked with that infamous smirk

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am" I said crossing my arms and turning back to face the water

A whistle blew indicating that it was time for me to get down from the chair

"Looks like it my turn, sweetheart" he said smiling up at me

I huffed and climbed down the ladder

"Thanks" he said while now looking down at me because of the height difference between the two of us

"Yup" I said while starting to walk away

"Wait, I never got your name" Billy said from behind me

"Wouldn't you like to know that" I said crossing my arms and popping my hip with sass

"Yeah, that's why I asked, isn't it?" He said in an obvious tone

"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" you said as you turned back around and started towards the locker room

You heard him mutter your name under his breath a couple of times

You looked towards the Mom's and most of them were whispering or giving you dirty looks

What is with them? He's literally a teenager. All of them have husbands. 

Oh well, girls will be girls

I stayed in the locker room my whole break until I heard the whistle again which meant that it was my turn to watch the pool again

I was walking back to the chair as Billy was walking to the locker room

"Wait, Y/N" he said while we were passing each other

"What do you think about coming over to my place tonight? Maybe watch a movie or something" he said with an overpowering amount of confidence

"Yeah, that sounds nice" I said

"Ok, I'll pick you up later tonight" he said proudly like he had just won an award or something

"Ok, see you later" I said walking back towards the lifeguard chair

"See you" he said looking back at you and watching you walk away

For the rest of the day you sat in the chair wondering what was going to happen later that night

Ok, I hope you liked it. I'm thinking about making a part 2 of this and I'm just revising Camping Part 3 then it'll be out!


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