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It almost noon. Ara busied herself in cleaning the kitchen. The bell sound from the front door halted her action. She went to open it and revealed Joshua with some plastic bags in his hands.

"You are just like Hana. Buying groceries which I already have in the fridge," said Ara.

Joshua smiled cheekily. Ara helped him to bring half of the plastic bags and put it on the kitchen counter.

"So, what are you going to cook for today, chef?" said Ara.

"I have some recommendations already but you can choose between them. First, samgyetang and bossam. And the second one, gamjatang and japchae,"

Ara thought for a while.

"I think the first one,"


"Oh, before that. Can I use the toilet?" asked Joshua.

"Yeah, sure. On the left side of my bedroom,"

While waiting for Joshua to finish his business, Ara took out the ingredients from the plastic bags. He bought quite a lot for two people.

The sudden bell sound stopped her action again.

"I don't think I have meeting with anyone other than Joshua oppa today,"

Ara went to open the door. There was no one outside, not until she was being pushed into her dorm. She fell down by the strong push.

"Ouch! What is that for?!" said her slightly pissed.

However, her mouth automatically shut after seeing who it was. It scared her more when she noticed the knife in that person's hand.

"W-What are y-you doing here, X-Xiaoqi?" stuttered her.

Xiaoqi smirked. She stepped forward which resulting Ara to moved backward. Her legs felt numb by Xiaoqi's existence in front of her.

"Nice dorm I could say," said her sarcastically.

"Why are you here?" Ara raised her voice to hide her frightened state.

"I want to visit my old friend, can't I?"

She crouched down in front of Ara. She pulled out the knife and looked at it like a psycho.

"Maybe a slightly different visit like other people did,"

"You are crazy, Xiaoqi!!"

She stopped looking at the knife and glared at Ara.

"Yes, I'm crazy!! Because you ruin everything!! You ruin my life!!"

Joshua who just came out of the toilet felt uneasy after hearing the loud voice. He sneaked a peek from the kitchen and surprised by the scene in front of him.

"Who are you?!"

With quick movement, Xiaoqi headlocked Ara from behind and put the knife near her neck.

"With your boyfriend today, huh?"


"Don't come here!"

Ara screamed when Joshua tried to approach her. She did not want to hurt him. Xiaoqi was not like the other normal girl. She learnt a lot of self-defence since kid and mastered them.

"Well, well, lovebirds. I don't like the dramatic scene in front of me. Let me just finish my business here,"

She pushed the knife in Ara's neck skin slowly which caused it to bleed. Joshua ran to her.


Joshua grasped his hand tightly. He hated to see her suffer like that in front of him without him doing anything to save her.

"You should hear your girlfriend well, lover boy," she smirked at him.

The deep pressure she put on the knife made the wound bigger. Joshua could not hold it anymore. He rushed to Xiaoqi and tried to take away the knife from her.

Unfortunately, his rush move made the knife scratched Ara's shoulder. Xiaoqi was caught off guard when Joshua attacked her. With her experience in self-defence, she tackled Joshua and kicked him off of her.

Joshua groaned and held her stomach. She was more stronger than he thought. The knife was next to him. He noticed that Xiaoqi eyed it and immediately kicked the knife away.

She pulled the pocket knife from her high-cut boot and pointed it to Joshua.

'How many knifes she have with her?'

Xiaoqi noticed something was missing. She turned around and saw Ara made a call using the phone in living room.

Although it was too late, she still threw the knife which then slashed Ara's left arm. Ara screamed as the pain on her shoulder and arm were unbearable.

Xiaoqi walked to her with the cutter in her pocket. Joshua stood up carefully and held the pain in his stomach. He ambushed her and tried to grab the cutter.

"You piss me off now!"

She kicked off Joshua again and landed a punch on his face. The bell sound alerted her from attacking Ara.

She afraid that it was a police or guard Ara called earlier. She tighten the hold of the cutter in her hand. She opened the door and stabbed the person in front of her.


Ara recognized the tall boy with a backpack who got stabbed by Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi ran away when she noticed it was not a police or guard.

However, she was caught by the guards in the middle of running away through the emergency stairs.

Ara stood up and ran to Donghyun. She did not care about the pain on her shoulder and arm as Donghyun was more important to her.

"Donghyun-ah. Look at me!"

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