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Three days later...

Ara stared calmly at the dark sky filled with stars and a full moon. It was rare to have that kind of sky in the city nowadays.

There, Ara sat at the favourite spot of her and him. Since the last time she went to Han River, she never returned even though she actually could.

To come here at this hour alone needed a big effort in convincing Soyoung. Ara knew she was worried especially when her stalker case was still in investigation. However, she wanted a personal space to clear her mind. She has confined herself enough in the dorm for weeks.


SVT safely arrived at Incheon Airport after finishing their Asian tour. They have few days break before continued with another tour in Japan.

It's quite late at night when their company made a mistake with their flight schedule which made them to return earlier than supposed date. Because of that, the medias and reporters as well as their fans were barely seen at that hour.

After a long ride to their dorm, all members felt worn out because of the jetlag. They immediately went to their own dorm to have a rest.

However, it was different for Joshua. Although his body felt tired but he could not bring himself to rest and fall asleep. He stared blankly at the ceiling of his bedroom until the sudden knock from his door surprised him.

"Are you sleeping, Shua-ya?"

The faint voice behind the door could be heard but Joshua knew clearly it was Scoups.

"Just come in, Coups-ah,"

The said boy opened the door slowly. He looked at Joshua who continued to stare at the ceiling.

"What do you want?" asked Joshua when Scoups did not talk to him since he came in.

"Aaa...I want to borrow your charger. I forgot mine in Jeonghan's bag earlier," said Scoups while rubbing his neck awkwardly.

Joshua got up from his bed and went to his unpack bag. He took the charger and gave it to Scoups.

"Anything else?"

"You can't sleep, don't you?" Joshua sighed.

"As usual,"

He walked to his bed again and laid his body comfortably.

"It has been a week, Shua," said Scoups softly.

"I know. But I don't want to take those pills," replied him without looking at Scoups.

It would be a lie if he said he was fine. His body really worn out after continuous tour without a bit of sleep or nap. The members were worried about him especially Scoups and Jeonghan but they also knew he would not touch those pills to help him to sleep.

"Go take a walk outside. It will help you a bit," suggested Scoups.

"Okay..." replied him slowly.

Scoups went back to his bedroom and Joshua was left alone again in his room. He did not feel going out even for a minute but it would not help him either if he stayed in his room.

He grabbed his hoodie, cap and mask. The weather started to cold in the fall which made him to wear extra jacket to warm his body.

He left after making sure he locked the dorm and went straight to Han River. He rarely went there since he and Ara revealed their identity to each other that night.

He tried to forget about her and his feeling but whenever Han River came into his mind, he could not help himself to miss her even more.

The walk path to his spot was quite dark that night until he reached the spot which illuminated by moonlight.

Joshua froze when he noticed a figure he did not want to see for the time being. He stood there quite a while before turning back to his way to the dorm.

"Joshua- sunbaenim...?"

His legs stopped after hearing her voice. The longing voice he kept hearing whenever he closed his eyes. After a minute of silence, he started to walk again to leave.


He glanced his side where her warm hands held his cold hand.

"W-We need- to talk," said Ara while tighten her grip of Joshua's hand.

Joshua tensed body became relax and turned to face her. They looked at each other a bit before Joshua broke the silence.

"Let's have a seat first,"

Ara released his hand and both of them went to their favourite spot. There was a silence before Ara started the conversation.

"I-I'm sorry...for everything,"

Joshua looked at her in confusion.

"Why are you suddenly apologizing to me?"

"I'm being rude to you for the past few months especially on the day you saved me,"

"I'm really sorry. I just scared at that time and I don't like when you involved yourself with me,"

"Especially when you knew who I am the day we revealed ourselves to each other," confessed Ara.

Joshua stared at the river while listening to her. He never asked or even thought she would apologize to him for that. Although he felt hurt with her words back then but he never blamed her for it instead he blamed himself.

"I'm sor-"

"Stop apologizing. You make me feel bad," said Joshua.

"But I-"

"Moon Ara, please..." Ara fell silent.

"I never blame you for it. I knew you hurt more with everything that happened to you lately. And then I'm pressuring you with it," said Joshua.

"I miss you..."

Hi! I'm back^^
Sorry for taking a long break
I will try to keep updating for few more chapters before the epilogue
Hopefully you enjoy the double chapters today:)

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