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"Long time not see, Moon Ara,"

Ara was shocked after knowing who he was. She tried to close the door but her strength could not compare to him. He quickly pushed Ara inside and locked the door.

"M-Minhyuk sunbae...w-why are you doing this..?" Ara was stuttering.

Kim Minhyuk, the senior who protected Xiaoqi when she was false accused three years ago. She never met him since then. The only thing she knew before she left the company, he was dating Xiaoqi.

"What? I'm not doing anything. I just want to visit you,"

Ara felt shiver, he sounded like a psychopath. She tried to grab anything near her but Minhyuk could read what she was thinking. He grabbed her jaw which caused her to cough a bit.

"Don't do something that is too obvious in front of my eyes," threaten him.

Ara tried to push his hand away but he tighten the grip. He smirked after seeing her suffer.

"Ops, sorry! I should complete my mission first before killing you,"

Ara almost cried when he threw her on the couch. He hovered above her which made her scream for help. She fell silent when Minhyuk slapped her face hard.

"Don't ever think to run away from me! No one will hear you!"

The tears came out of her eyes. She tried hard to push him away but nothing work. She did not want to ruin herself and her career again. She felt dirty whenever he touched her.

Before Minhyuk could undress her, he was kicked out by someone. Ara covered herself quickly but her tears could not stop from falling. She barely saw who was saving her because of the tears.

"Yah, Shua!! Stop! Stop!"

Jeonghan who just came was shocked after seeing Joshua punched someone on the floor. He wanted to call him when he took too much time to bring Ara. He felt uneasy once he saw the door was opened widely.

Jeonghan quickly separated Joshua from Minhyuk who almost fainted after being beaten by Joshua. Joshua was panting heavily in Jeonghan's strong hold as he still wanted to burst out his anger towards Minhyuk.

Once he felt more calmer, he approached Ara who faced down since he entered earlier. When he touched her shoulder, she quickly dodged him and acted in defense mode.

"Ara, it's me," said Joshua softly, tried to ensure her that she was safe now.

However, she looked traumatize and kept avoiding him. Jeonghan immediately called Hana for help. He also made sure that Minhyuk would not run away from there until the security or police came.


"Don't touch me!!" screamed her.

Joshua was speechless. He never saw this side of her where she looked so fragile and broken physically and mentally. After being notified by Jeonghan, Hana rushed to Ara's dorm. She was shocked by the scene in front of her.

She immediately hugged Ara. Ara tried to push her away but calmed down after knowing it was Hana. She cried her heart out in Hana's arm.

Few minutes later, the security guard came in with Mina. She also called Aya for help. Minhyuk was brought out by the security guard to the specific room at the lobby before being sent to the police.

Once Aya reached there, she did a quick check up on Ara alone in the bedroom. Jeonghan, Joshua, Hana and Mina were waiting in the living room worriedly.

"What happened actually, oppa?" asked Hana to Jeonghan.

"I don't know either. When I came, I saw Joshua already punching that guy in the face,"

Joshua was silence the whole time. He felt hurt after seeing her like that, being traumatize when other people touched her. He blamed himself for not coming in time to save her.

"Shua oppa, your knuckle..."

Jeonghan looked at Joshua's hand after hearing Mina. His knuckle has some scratches and bruises on it.

"Shua-ya. Let me treat you," Jeonghan took out the first aid kit under the coffee table.

However, Joshua did not move even a bit. Jeonghan sighed after seeing him like that.

"Shua-ya. It's not your fault,"

"Yes, it is! She hurts because of me!" he suddenly bursted out.

"Because I'm late..." the tears slowly fell from his eyes.

Jeonghan gave him a hug. It was the first time for him to see Joshua in this state except when he missed him mom.

"Don't blame yourself, Shua. You have tried your best to save her. Thankfully, he did not go further," comforted Jeonghan.

The door of Ara's bedroom was opened. All of them turned to face Aya who came out of the room.

"How's it, Aya?" asked Hana.

"She got traumatize really bad. She needs time to recover. For the time being, don't let anyone getting close to her except for me and you unnie," said Ara, referring to Hana.

"How long will it take?" asked Mina.

"It depends on her. She has suffered a lot, not only the stalker issue," told Aya.

She could not explain more about it as requested by Ara herself. For the time being, she did not want to meet anyone especially Joshua. She blamed herself for being weak. She did not want him to see her like this.

The breakfast day was ruined because of the unexpected event. Jeonghan and Joshua came a bit late for their schedule. Meanwhile, Hana and LOVE cancelled their schedule that evening to take care of Ara.

Ara immediately moved out of the dorm with the help of LOVE members. The LIGHT CEO has issued the matter and further investigated the stalker guy as well as the threat notes Ara got every day. All her schedules was suspended allowing her to fully recover.

"Hi, this is LIGHT Ent,

We are sadly to inform that Moon Ara would undergo hiatus for few weeks because of health reason. Further information regarding her condition would be given from time to time.

We hope that the fans would understand and give support to her for speed recovery. We will do our best to ensure the health of our artist."

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